Here is a collection of tips, snippets, customizations and how-to tutorials to answer your biggest WooCommerce questions, curated by Rodolfo Melogli.
Please remember feedback is vital and that your social media shares, blog comments and WooWeekly newsletter sign ups help me understand which WooCommerce content works and which not, so that I can fine-tune my writing :)
Thank you in advance and enjoy!

A BloomerArmada fan had a nice challenge with a client – how to display the total amount of sales generated by a given coupon code?
So I managed to create this snippet, which adds a brand new column to the WooCommerce Coupon table view with “total sales” value in it for each coupon code – enjoy!
Continue reading WooCommerce: Calculate Sales by Coupon Code

Quite an interesting snippet this is! A client needed to show EACH quantity of the SAME product as separate lines (cart items) in the WooCommerce Cart & Checkout page.
At some stage, you might need that too – for different reasons maybe. So, let’s see how this is coded π Continue reading WooCommerce: Split Cart Items When Product Quantity > 1

Yes, there are many plugins that already achieve this. But my goal at Business Bloomer is to save you from plugin conflicts, delicate updates and to make you learn some PHP.
So, here’s how you can add, with a few lines of PHP, a minimum, maximum, increment and default value to your Add to Cart quantity input field on the single product and cart pages. Who knew it was this easy?
Continue reading WooCommerce: Edit Add to Cart Default, Min, Max & Step Product Quantity

We’ve already seen how to add First & Last Name to the “My Account” register form. Today, I want to expand a bit and show you how to add and save a select box.
Continue reading WooCommerce: Add Select Field to “My Account” Register Form

WooCommerce 3.0 completely revolutionized the single product page featured and product gallery images, including their PHP. If, in the past, a simple filter from WooCommerce was enough to change the number of thumbnails per row (, this does not exists anymore π
So, let’s see how we can achieve this in WooCommerce 3.0 and above. For this example we’ll use two themes – in fact some theme-specific CSS is also needed together with the PHP.
Continue reading WooCommerce: Change No. of Thumbnails per Row @ Product Gallery

As WooCommerce snippet requests by Business Bloomer Club members keep coming to our private Slack channel, it’s time to publish a very useful customization.
Today, we’ll see how to deny purchasing to a given billing email address, if such a customer happens to have a pending order already!
Continue reading WooCommerce: Deny Checkout if User Has Pending Orders

Interesting, isn’t it? This has been on my to-write list for ages, so today I want to show you my first attempt at turning the Shop page into a list/table of products as opposed to the default grid.
This is especially suitable to B2B WooCommerce shops, or for those websites where customers don’t really need to see huge product images and are used to order “from a product form”.
Let’s see how I did this – I will try to comment my PHP as much as possible so you can understand my strategy. Enjoy!
Continue reading WooCommerce: Product List View @ Shop

You may want to disable the Grouped product price range on the Shop and Single Product page. This usually looks like $100-$999. With this snippet you will be able to display “From: ” in front of the minimum price, or otherwise completely hide it π
Continue reading WooCommerce: Disable Grouped Product Price Range $$$-$$$

You might want to show a “POA” price and/or a “Call for Price” button when you have a product with an empty price.
Many businesses require this, mostly real estate and wholesalers. So let’s see how it’s done π
Continue reading WooCommerce: POA / Call for Price @ Single Product

The WooCommerce Checkout page plays a huge role in your ecommerce success. It is one of the most important part of your conversion funnel. This is the page that brings revenue.
It doesnβt matter how many people are visiting your website – if no one makes any purchase. Complicated checkout process is one of the main reasons for shopping cart abandonment.
You should always look for ways to make your checkout process as simple as possible. If you are using WooCommerce as your ecommerce solution you can easily change the checkout page design, remove or change the existing checkout fields order.
Continue reading WooCommerce Checkout Fields Customization Guide

Boom! I was thinking of a way to show a “Share your Purchase on Social Media” on my thank you page right after someone becomes an official supporter. So, I spent some time coding and – as always – now I’m going to spend some more time to share my hard work!
Leave a comment below if this was helpful – and if you want to test this out, you’re very welcome to become an official Business Bloomer fan of course π Continue reading WooCommerce: “Share your Purchase on Twitter” @ Thank You Page

Thanks to the various requests I get from Business Bloomer fans, this week I’m going to show you a simple PHP snippet to echo the variations’ name and stock quantity on the shop, categories and loop pages.
Of course, if “Manage stock” is not enabled at variation level, the quantity will be null, and therefore the returned string will just say “In stock” or “Out of stock”.
Continue reading WooCommerce: Display Variations’ Stock @ Shop Page

Advanced Custom Fields plugin is a great way to add custom, advanced fields to the WooCommerce Single Product Page. Many struggle to display such fields on the front-end, so this simple snippet should help you!
Continue reading WooCommerce: Display Advanced Custom Fields @ Single Product

It’s pretty easy to add another custom menu to your WooCommerce pages via PHP. For example, you might want to add a list of Product Category links, and manage this through the default “Appearance > Menu” in the WordPress dashboard. Continue reading WooCommerce: Add WP Menu to WC Pages via PHP

When a WooCommerce customer is logged in, you might want to show them the list of previously purchased products (maybe in a custom “My Account” tab).
This is helpful when customers tend to buy the same products over and over again, and therefore you can help them “order again” without having them to search the whole product catalog again.
Continue reading WooCommerce: Display All Products Purchased by User