WooCommerce: Add Order Notes to WooCommerce PDF Invoices

I use the “WooCommerce PDF Invoices & Packing Slips” plugin, available on the WP Repository, to invoice my clients. At times, for accounting purposes, I need to show the VAT/TAX ID of the client on the PDF invoice.

So, I open the order via WooCommerce > Orders, open the order I want to edit, add a “Note to the Customer” from the right hand side… and then have the following snippet in my functions.php adding such information on the PDF invoice! Continue reading WooCommerce: Add Order Notes to WooCommerce PDF Invoices

WooCommerce: Display & Save WP User Profile Field @ Checkout

I’m curious to know how many had the same problem. On the WooCommerce Checkout page, some user fields such as billing_name, shipping_address_1, etc. are automatically saved into the “WordPress User Profile” data upon processing.

But what if we also wanted to display and save another existing user field, such as “user_twitter“, or “user_url“, which you can find in the WP User Profile by default?

Well, this is very easy: first, we add a custom checkout field; then, we make sure that when the checkout is processed we save that field correctly.


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WooCommerce: Rename “Tags” Label @ Single Product Page

A #CustomizeWoo student reached out for premium support in regard to “WooCommerce taxonomies”. The question was: How do I change the label “tag” into something else, for example “brand”? Well, this is how it’s done!

Please note that this does not change the “tag” permalinks (URL, slug, etc), but only the “Tags” label on the frontend, and only on the Single Product Page.

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WooCommerce: Ship to Predefined “Local Pickup” Addresses

WooCommerce Shipping Zones are quite easy to override / customize. With a simple PHP (and jQuery, sometimes) snippet we can accomplish many advanced shipping rules, such as the one we’ll study today.

This time, I’ve tested a snippet to add a dropdown to the billing section where users go choose the pickup destination. As a result, the shipping address is automatically populated, and so is the shipping method. What do you think?

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WooCommerce: Weight-Based Shipping Methods

With WooCommerce you get 3 default shipping methods: Flat Rate, Free Shipping, Local Pickup. For each one you can define a cost, however there is no way to set up some “weight” restrictions.

So, what if you want to display a rate for orders below 10 kg, and another shipping rate for orders above that weight?

Well, you can use simple PHP to accomplish lots of “advanced” shipping rules, such as shipping by weight.

As long as all your products have their weight information filled in, you can create some simple rules to conditionally hide/show certain shipping methods based on cart weight. Enjoy!

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WooCommerce: Shipping Rates by Order Amount

The new shipping zone management that was introduced with Woo 2.6 gives us the chance to add flat rate, free shipping and local pick-up methods by default.

But what if a client requires 3 different rates depending on the order amount (tiered shipping)? For example: “For orders up to $100, shipping = $5; for orders up to $250, shipping = $2; for orders above $500, shipping = free”.

Is this possible without using a plugin? Well, the answer, as usual, is absolutely yes! Enjoy!

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