WooCommerce: Attach Files (PDF, etc.) To Emails

Sure, you can add content to a given WooCommerce transactional email such as the Customer Processing Order email. You can even edit the email subject, for example by adding the first name. No matter what you need, there are many cool snippets to customize the default WooCommerce emails.

But what we haven’t seen yet is how to “attach a file” to a WooCommerce Order email. It seems like a very much needed admin option, but there is nothing to achieve that in the WooCommerce dashboard. And maybe that is because it’s super easy to do that with a few lines of PHP or a super simple plugin. Enjoy!

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WooCommerce: Show SKU @ Cart, Checkout, Order & Emails

When SKU matters to the end user, displaying it in the Cart page, Checkout page, Thank you page, My Account View Order page and Order Emails under the item name is a must.

Ideal for B2B businesses and international brands, this simple customization can help you learn how to add any sort of content under the Cart/Checkout/Order item names. Simply use the same hook and try “getting” something different than SKU with this guide. Enjoy!

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WooCommerce: Add To: Cc: Bcc: Email Recipients

The WooCommerce Email Settings allow you to add custom recipients only for New Order, Cancelled Order, Failed Order and all admin-only emails.

But what if you want to add an email recipient to a customer email e.g. the Completed Order one? For example, you need to send it to your dropshipper. Also, you might want to add a To: recipient, or instead a cleaner Cc: or safer Bcc:.

Either way, a simple snippet allows you to achieve that (and more, if you consider WooCommerce conditional logic). Enjoy!

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WooCommerce: 8 Best Email Marketing Services

Emails are a vital part of a successful eCommerce store. Successful store owners nurture their potential customers using email automation and send them the right information in right time to nudge them towards purchase.

They setup automation to create a relationship with their customers by sending emails (Welcome emails, Discount emails/Upsell Offers, Abandoned cart emails, Order confirmation emails,Post-Purchase Follow Up) based on buyers journey they are in.

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WordPress: Top 5 Plugins for Email Automation

You need email marketing to build your connection and generate more and more leads. But email marketing isn’t as easy as people make it out to be. It takes a considerable amount of time, energy, and resources.

In fact, statistic shows that over 68% of companies spend a week (or more) on the production of just one email.

This is a whole lot of time. Do you have this much time on your hands?

And the problems do not end here.

More often than not, people put in so much effort, but don’t see deserved profits, resulting in a measly conversion rate.

This is where automation comes in.

In this article, we will discuss some of the best WordPress plugins for email automation so that you can optimize your email marketing process.

Continue reading WordPress: Top 5 Plugins for Email Automation

WooCommerce: Hide “Thanks for shopping with us” @ Emails

WooCommerce emails come with the following hard-coded (argh!) greetings: ‘Thanks for shopping with us.‘, ‘Thanks for reading.‘, ‘We look forward to seeing you soon.‘, ‘We look forward to fulfilling your order soon.‘, ‘Thanks!‘, ‘We hope to see you again soon.‘ based on the specific email.

While having these greetings in the WooCommerce customer email footer may look nice and friendly, you should have the freedom to remove or edit them.

So, you have two choices: doing that via the email settings, or by “translating” those strings via PHP. Enjoy!

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WooCommerce: Send Email to Admin Every 3 Hours (Cron Job)

This snippet consists of many WooCommerce tasks: setting up a “WordPress Cron Job” (i.e. schedule a hook that runs on a specific time interval), getting the WooCommerce completed orders from the database, and finally sending a simple email to the store admin.

Complex, but as usual you can simply copy/paste and re-adapt it to your unique specifications. For example, I’m using it to send a survey email to each customer who has placed an order. There are thousands of applications, so this is just the start. Enjoy! Continue reading WooCommerce: Send Email to Admin Every 3 Hours (Cron Job)

WooCommerce: Send a Custom Email on Order Status Change

If you use custom WooCommerce order statuses, sending emails is quite complex because you need to code a full custom email PHP class.

At least on paper!

In this workaround, we will actually “use” one of the existing email classes (note: it must be active in your WooCommerce email settings in order to work), change the subject and heading, and trigger it – like if it were a custom order status email.


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WooCommerce: How to Blacklist Scammers, Emails, IP, Phones?

A WooCommerce email notifications pops up – yet another new order, money, revenue, happiness. However, hold on a second – money is not technically in your bank account until you’re forced to give a refund. Even worse, until you realize not only you had to give a refund, but also getting the item back costs you a fortune. And who knows how many times this is going to happen, mostly when you ship physical products.

Fortunately, there are ways in WooCommerce to blacklist customers, deny purchasing from specific countries, block certain IP addresses and do whatever you can to save money.

In the era of Amazon and online shopping we constantly hear of scams and frauds, so this is definitely a topic that shouldn’t be underestimated. A small plugin investment or a few lines of code could actually make a big difference.

Besides, choosing the correct online payment methods (which should give you some sort of anti-fraud out of the box) and avoiding offline payments (bank transfer, cash on delivery, check) are important measures you should already have in place.

So, moving beyond the actual online payments, there is something else we could do to stop scammers placing an order (yes, even before paying or trying to pay). Prevention is better (and more affordable) than cure, right?

I’ve put together a list of WooCommerce plugins and settings you should look into from today on. And sooner rather than later. Enjoy πŸ™‚ Continue reading WooCommerce: How to Blacklist Scammers, Emails, IP, Phones?

WooCommerce: Don’t Send Emails for Free Orders

There are times when you sell free products to give customers access to a membership, an online course, or for other reasons. In these cases, you might not want to send the “Order Completed” email or get the “New Order” transactional notification, so that you can avoid sending and receiving hundreds of emails.

Of course, you’d still want to keep the order emails for amounts above $0. Here’s the fix.

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WooCommerce: Send Checkout User Info to Email Recipient

When my blog readers become official Business Bloomer supporters, a few custom fields are conditionally displayed on the WooCommerce checkout (thanks to this snippet or this other snippet).

For example I show a custom user Twitter field. Thanks to the snippets, this is automatically saved into the WordPress User Profile page. But as I love to thank each Business Bloomer supporter on Twitter, I wanted to generate an additional email reminder (to myself, or to an assistant’s email address for example) with the Twitter username I should be thanking. You might need something like this if you need to send a new customer email address to a coworker. Or maybe a new address to a dropshipper…

So, how do you send a custom email with some user information, after such user completes the checkout and a new WooCommerce order is created? Continue reading WooCommerce: Send Checkout User Info to Email Recipient

WooCommerce: Add “Confirm Email Address” Field @ Checkout

A correct email address is worth a thousand dollars, some ecommerce expert would say πŸ™‚ So, you don’t want your WooCommerce checkout visitors to mess up with that, do you?

What about adding an “Email Verification” field? In this way, we can make sure they double check their entry – and also show an error message in case they don’t match!

Let’s see how I implemented this for a freelancing client of mine – I’m sure you will be grateful!

Continue reading WooCommerce: Add “Confirm Email Address” Field @ Checkout