I have a client who started with one developer, and I’ve inherited it. It wasn’t too bad of a mess, just not organized well. Since I didn’t set it up, I’m not familiar with everything. Price Calculator for WooCommerce is being used, and the client doesn’t like the spaces between the unit label and the parenthesis (see image). She also wants it to be lowercase y. Is there a hook or something I can use the change that (site isn’t live, but I can give a preview login if you want to view the source code)?
This is probably a CSS thing – unless the label is something you enter from the backend of the product and you can therefore remove the space before and after the string and turn it to lowercase.
Otherwise it’s extra spacing added by the plugin if CSS can’t help. You need to contact them or look for a “filter” that may allow you to customize the “addf_prc_three_ln” text output