WooCommerce: Product Category Price Range

WooCommerce variable products display a price range by default, which goes something like this: $MIN-$MAX. Now, wouldn’t it be nice, on the Shop page or Category Widget, to show the price range for each category?

Well, as usual this is a customization that can apply to certain online businesses only, so hopefully you’re one of them. Either way, this is yet another chance for you to learn PHP applied to WooCommerce. Enjoy!

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WooCommerce: Force Max 1 Category Per Product

Here’s yet another snippet I use on A Piece of Sicily, my Sicilian marketplace, to make sure vendors can only select one product category for a given product. This is to make sure they make the best possible choice and also to avoid confusion and multiple listing.

Of course, the same can be used on your own WooCommerce install, in case you wish to limit the number of categories that can be assigned to each product (inside the snippet, you can even change “1” to “whatever number” and therefore define your own “max” e.g. max 2 categories).

This time I can’t make you “see” the customization as we’re in the backend, so please take a look at the screenshot below. Enjoy!

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WooCommerce: Delete “Uncategorized” Product Category Forever

Upon installation, WooCommerce adds a default product category called “Uncategorized”. This is a nice feature because each product must belong to at least one category, and “Uncategorized” is therefore the WooCommerce-way to avoid problems.

All good so far, until you get to the stage where you have dozens of product categories and if *one day* (everyday for me lol) you forget to assign a product to one of them your product will automatically fall under “Uncategorized”, with that category showing also on the frontend which is not nice at all.

In this post, we’ll see how to remove this “Uncategorized” category, forever. Enjoy!

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WooCommerce: Check if Product Category is in the Cart

We already studied how to detect if a product ID is in the cart – but if you take a look at the comments many of you were asking how to detect product categories.

So, today we’ll do exactly that. You can disable shipping rates, payment gateways, you can print messages, you can apply coupon programmatically… there are lots of things you can do “conditionally”, based on whether a given product category is in the Cart or not.

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WooCommerce: Display Product Categories @ Cart & Checkout Pages

While working for a freelance client I had to “detect” the cart item categories in order to apply some PHP customization.

So I thought – why not share with you how to display product categories in the Cart and Checkout? This adds a nice touch to those two vital pages, and prints a list of product categories under each cart item.

Also, I’m glad to introduce you to the amazing world of “wc_get_product_category_list“, a very handy WooCommerce PHP function!

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WooCommerce: Exclude Category from ‘products’ Shortcode

The WooCommerce [products] shortcode displays all products in your shop. There is even an attribute called “category” where you can specify comma-separated list of category slugs in order to further filter the output.

What you can’t do is define a list of unwanted categories (think of “uncategorized” for example) i.e. a list of categories you want to exclude from the products shortcode output.

So, here’s the fix, enjoy!

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WooCommerce: Exclude Category from ‘product_categories’ Shortcode

Sometimes solutions are very simple, and you don’t need rocket science to fix your issue!

A client of mine needed to hide a category from the Product Categories Shortcode ([product_categories]); in fact, there is no parameter that allows you to “exclude” a given product category such as “uncategorized” or whatever category you wish.

A rare issue, but once again a quick fix! Here’s how you do it.

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