WooCommerce: How To Enable Stripe Payments

Providing payment options on your WooCommerce store that your customers trust and meet their needs is the key to ensuring a satisfied customer journey and eliminating cart abandonments. 

According to the Baymard Institute’s research, the average cart abandonment rate amongst buyers is 69.8%, and 6 out of 10 times, it’s because of issues related to payments. 

While some shoppers abandon carts because of long checkout processes and the lack of simple payment options, others don’t find the payment site legitimate enough to provide their credit card information. Thus, the payment method plays a huge role in customers’ buying decisions. 

Stripe is a great option. It’s simple-to-use, flexible, and one of the most popular payment solutions for WooCommerce. It makes accepting and processing credit card payments a breeze and leaves your customers with a fast checkout process. 

This article takes you through some of the best free and premium WooCommerce Stripe plugins for your store. But first, let’s learn more about the advantages of using Stripe as a payment option for WooCommerce. 

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WooCommerce: 10 Most Popular Free Plugins

WooCommerce is one of the most popular eCommerce platforms that allows you to launch your online business, build high-functionality online stores for your clients, or take your brick-and-mortar store online.  

Powering over 28.19% of all online stores, WooCommerce’s versatility and open-source nature allow businesses to build their dream store, add unlimited products and consumers, take orders, and increase sales.

The core WooCommerce plugin holds 68% of the usage distribution – the highest on the internet. However, despite its popularity, the official WooCommerce plugin lacks several features you might need for your eCommerce store. But to make up for that, it offers several plugins that allow you to enhance your store’s functionality and improve customer experience. 

But choosing from over 4228 WooCommerce plugins from WordPress.org can get overwhelming. So, to make your job easier, we’ve hand-picked the best free WooCommerce plugins you can use on your store to take it to the next level. Let’s dive in!

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WooCommerce: Multiple Stripe Accounts (Solved)

The WooCommerce plugin fully integrates with the WooCommerce Stripe Payment Gateway plugin, developed by Automattic itself. With this free plugin, Stripe payment gateway can be enabled via the WooCommerce settings and once your Stripe “Live Publishable Key” and “Live Secret Key” are set, your WooCommerce shop is ready to take credit card payments powered by Stripe.

Now, there is some documentation online which explains, with a little bit of code, how to switch Stripe account programmatically and conditionally i.e. for a given product ID or product category slug – same as what we’ve seen recently with PayPal Standard (here’s the tutorial for using different PayPal accounts inside a single WooCommerce installation). For example, you may want to use a Stripe account for digital sales and a different one for physical products.

Unlike PayPal Standard, however, online documentation and snippets are quite out of date and require, often, to create a custom Class which is always a difficult task in PHP programming. Thankfully, there are WooCommerce Stripe hooks and therefore it’s possible to use different / multiple Stripe accounts in a single WooCommerce installation.

Please read the disclaimer below and – only then – enjoy!

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WooCommerce: Why Rotating Payment Methods Can Protect your Revenue

By now, you probably know that you should never run WooCommerce with a single payment gateway. We’ve already seen in the “PayPal or Stripe?” article that (spoiler alert!), the best solution is “PayPal AND Stripe”. Which means you need to understand that different customers prefer different kinds of payment methods (and this could increase your conversion rate dramatically).

Now we move to the next step: the chargebacks issue, and the risk of having your payment gateways banned by their providers.

A user recently told us that he has a WooCommerce subscription-based business, which is great. The problem is that sometimes customers don’t read that part and think they’re making a one-time purchase. And sometimes, when they realize they purchased something different than what they had in mind, they ask their bank or credit card company to issue a chargeback.

The Stripe website explains it like this:

A chargeback happens when a cardholder makes a claim to their bank or credit card company that a payment made on their card was fraudulent. When a chargeback occurs, the business to which the payment was originally made is required to repay the full purchase amount, plus a chargeback fee.

While you can really do your best to avoid chargebacks by being transparent on your website and order receipts, sometimes – especially for WooCommerce Subscriptions – that’s not enough. Investors say: “Don’t Put All Your Eggs in One Basket” and the same applies here: you’d better record your active subscriptions under PayPal, Stripe, Authorize, and so on, so that all your recurring revenue is not in the same account.

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WooCommerce: 6 Popular Payment Gateways

As you probably already know, WooCommerce offers the easiest way to build an online store with WordPress.

Depending on your individual needs, WooCommerce allows you to add digital products as well as subscriptions. One of the most important components of your store is the payment gateway you use.

This is what offers your shoppers a secure shopping experience by connecting your store to an online payment service where they can pay for their orders, safely and securely.

What is a WooCommerce Payment Gateway?

WooCommerce payment gateways work by verifying the billing information for every customer, approving requests and ensuring you get paid.

The type of WooCommerce payment gateway to choose depends on several factors which include how easy it is to integrate with WooCommerce, the target clients you serve, related costs and the level of security you need.

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WooCommerce: Disable Payment Gateway by Country

You might want to disable PayPal for non-local customers or enable a specific gateway for only one country… Either way, this is a very common requirement for all of those who trade internationally.

Here’s a simple snippet you can further customize to achieve your objective. Simply pick the payment gateway “slug” you want to disable/enable (“paypal”, “authorize”, “stripe”, etc.) and the country code (US, ES, IE, etc.) and then apply your conditional rules in the plugin below.

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