WooCommerce: Add Product to Cart When Visiting a Specific Page

We’ve already seen how to add a product to cart automatically when a user enters your website. However, I needed a different functionality on this same website, and specifically I wanted a product added to cart only when a user like you visits a specific WordPress page ID.

If you wish to test, go to my free video tutorial page called “How to Customize the WooCommerce Single Product Page“. As soon as the page loads a product is magically added to cart, so that the WooCommerce Checkout on that same page is populated with the hidden item. If you go to my Cart page right after visiting that landing page, you can verify there is a product in there.

So, how did I do it?

WooCommerce: Add Product to Cart When Visiting a Specific Page ID

WooCommerce PHP Snippet: Add Product to Cart When Visiting a Specific WordPress Page ID

 * @snippet       Add Product to Cart When Visiting Page ID - WooCommerce
 * @how-to        businessbloomer.com/woocommerce-customization
 * @sourcecode    https://businessbloomer.com/?p=75861
 * @author        Rodolfo Melogli, Business Bloomer
 * @compatible    WooCommerce 3.4.3

add_action( 'wp', 'bbloomer_add_product_to_cart_on_page_id_load' );
function bbloomer_add_product_to_cart_on_page_id_load() {
	// product ID to add to cart
	$product_id = 21874;

	// page ID to target         
	if ( is_page( 19473 ) ) {    
		WC()->cart->add_to_cart( $product_id ); 

Where to add custom code?

You should place custom PHP in functions.php and custom CSS in style.css of your child theme: where to place WooCommerce customization?

This code still works, unless you report otherwise. To exclude conflicts, temporarily switch to the Storefront theme, disable all plugins except WooCommerce, and test the snippet again: WooCommerce troubleshooting 101

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Rodolfo Melogli

Business Bloomer Founder

Author, WooCommerce expert and WordCamp speaker, Rodolfo has worked as an independent WooCommerce freelancer since 2011. His goal is to help entrepreneurs and developers overcome their WooCommerce nightmares. Rodolfo loves travelling, chasing tennis & soccer balls and, of course, wood fired oven pizza. Follow @rmelogli

28 thoughts on “WooCommerce: Add Product to Cart When Visiting a Specific Page

  1. doesn’t seem to be working anymore… just quit working for me this week ๐Ÿ™

    1. I don’t see why this should stop working. Please temporarily disable all plugins except WooCommerce, and test again. Let me know

  2. โ€œWooCommerce: Add Product to Cart When Visiting a Specific Pageโ€
    Still works perfect

  3. Hello,
    I am looking for a trick to automatically add a product (not a gift, the product A with its price) to the basket only if the connected customer (the account already exists) has not purchased this product A over a specific period (from – to to define).
    Do you have an idea to do that? thank you in advance for your help.
    best regards. Dennis

    1. Hi Dennis thanks so much for your comment! Yes, this is definitely possible, but I’m afraid it’s custom work. If you’d like to get a quote, feel free to contact me here. Thanks a lot for your understanding!

  4. Hello Rodolfo,
    Thanks for this tutorial.

    I am wondering if you have any similar tutorial explaining how to display a woocommerce add to cart button for a variable product, and above that the quantity selector and the variation dropdown (above the add to cart button)?

    This is for a custom site I am building with elementor free license, and a custom product page.

    (I have added some add to cart button and something like a variation selector, but those have been copied in front end just to show what I wanted to create (the variation dropdown doesnโ€™t work).
    Obviously I would need the right PHP code to make it work as desired.

    If no such tutorial exist yet, would you happen to know what code I could add to make this work?

    Thanks a lot for your answer.

  5. How about when visiting a product page?

    1. if ( is_single( 19473 ) ) {
  6. Don’t you want to check before you add the product into the cart,
    if product is already in the cart?

    1. No, because in this case scenario I empty the Cart first

  7. If we try to remove product which is added automatically, it will add again
    Is there a work around to remove the added product from the cart?

    1. Hi Momin, thanks so much for your comment! Yes, this is definitely possible, but I’m afraid it’s custom work. If you’d like to get a quote, feel free to contact me here. Thanks a lot for your understanding!

  8. This is exactly what I was looking for! Thank you so much. This helped me add a product to cart without redirecting to the cart. Before, the only solutions I found were global. Much apricated!

    1. Nice!

  9. Hi,

    WC()->cart->add_to_cart( $product_id );

    This add a products which already exists in the database.
    But, How to do it if I want to add a non-existing product ? I mean a product created on the fly.


    1. Hi Jairo, thanks so much for your comment! Yes, this is definitely possible, but I’m afraid it’s custom work. If you’d like to get a quote, feel free to contact me here. Thanks a lot for your understanding!

  10. its not working with Woocommerce Version 3.8.0

    1. Syner, thanks for your comment! I just tested this again with Storefront theme and it works perfectly. Maybe your theme (or another plugin) is messing/conflicting with my snippet?

      To troubleshoot, disable all plugins but WooCommerce and also switch temporarily to “Twentyseventeen” theme (load the snippet there in functions.php) – does it work? If yes, you have a problem with your current theme or one of the plugins.

      Hope this helps!


  11. For everyone who wants to redirect to another page, e.g. checkout page, can add this line before the last two braces:

       // page redirect
    	wp_safe_redirect('url' );

    Thought I share it, in case someone is also interested / looking for that solution

    1. Thank you!

  12. What If I want to make it for every page?

    Like If someone visits X page then ‘A’ product will be added
    and when someone visits Y page then ‘B’ Product will be added

    1. Hello Divyansh, thanks so much for your comment! Yes, this is possible – unfortunately this is custom work and I cannot provide a complementary solution here via the blog comments. Thanks a lot for your understanding! ~R

  13. Hi, i would love to know michael question too! ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Thanks Dieter, unfortunately my answer is the same ๐Ÿ™‚

  14. Hello.

    Can we modify the code so that

    if x product ID is added to cart

    the y product ID would automatically been added to cart too?

    Thank you.

    1. Hey Michael, thanks so much for your comment! Yes, this is possible – but unfortunately this is custom work and I cannot provide a complementary solution here via the blog comments. Thanks a lot for your understanding! ~R

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