WooCommerce: Display Product ACF Value @ Shop Page

We already talked about displaying an ACF field on the single product page. This time around, we’ll do the exact same but for the product loop pages (shop, category, tag, etc.). ACF (Advanced Custom Fields) is an awesome plugin to create and manage custom fields, so this is definitely a tutorial that will help many WooCommerce developers.

Please note that if ACF is not active, the snippet will break the site. There is a way to make it trigger only when ACF plugin is active, just so you know. Anyway, let’s see how we can display the value of a product ACF inside the loop. Enjoy!

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WooCommerce: Conditionally Force Product Quantity 1 @ Cart

There are times when the WooCommerce product settings alone are not enough. You can already tick the “Sold individually” checkbox in the “Inventory” product data tab in the single product edit page to force quantity 1 for whatever product: “Enable this to only allow one of this item to be bought in a single order“.

Problem is, you may need to set this “programmatically” (via code), based on certain conditions. One reason is that you may not want to edit hundreds of products one by one (or in bulk) – another is that you may want to “override” whatever settings based on certain conditions (for example, you set “Sold Individually”, but if the Cart total is greater than 100 you want to allow quantities greater than 1).

As you can see, in this post we will cover, once again, the magic of “conditional logic“. Enjoy!

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WooCommerce: View Product / Order Hidden Custom Fields (“Protected Meta”)

I was working on a WooCommerce project recently and I didn’t want to waste time searching through all the hidden product post meta.

Post meta are basically product custom fields that are added via the update_post_meta() WordPress function by WooCommerce itself, a custom plugin, a snippet, a theme. For example, “total_sales” is a default WooCommerce product custom field that updates every time the product is purchased. You can “get” total sales with the get_post_meta() WordPress function.

In the same way, there are dozens of default and third party product custom fields that are stored inside the WooCommerce product meta. If the product custom field “meta key” starts with an underscore (“_”), however, this won’t be visible in the “Custom Fields” section of the edit product page screen. Which is a bummer.

So, today, I’ll show you a quick trick so you can always know what the values for product meta keys are without having to mess with print_r() or error_log() in your PHP functions. In the image below, you see the final outcome.

Please note this also shows order hidden meta.


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WooCommerce: Add Product Table Columns @ Admin

The default WooCommerce Dashboard Products page (/wp-admin/edit.php?post_type=product page) shows the list of products in a table. Default fields are: Image, SKU, Stock, Price, Categories, Tags, Featured and Date.

Sometimes, these columns are not enough and you need more. For example, you might want to quickly take a look at a product custom field, such as “visibility” (whether the product is hidden or not).

So, here’s the snippet for that. Of course, you can adapt it to show your own custom field, an ACF field or whatever product-related information you require.

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WooCommerce: Display Order Delivery Date @ Checkout

Here’s how you can add a “calendar” field on the WooCommerce checkout page, let people decide the delivery date, and save this value in the order.

It took me ages to implement this for a client (it was much more complex, with available dates, different calendars based on different shipping zones, max weight per day, etc) so I thought of sharing the basic snippet with you! Enjoy 🙂

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