I was working on a WooCommerce project recently and I didn’t want to waste time searching through all the hidden product post meta.
Post meta are basically product custom fields that are added via the update_post_meta() WordPress function by WooCommerce itself, a custom plugin, a snippet, a theme. For example, “total_sales” is a default WooCommerce product custom field that updates every time the product is purchased. You can “get” total sales with the get_post_meta() WordPress function.
In the same way, there are dozens of default and third party product custom fields that are stored inside the WooCommerce product meta. If the product custom field “meta key” starts with an underscore (“_”), however, this won’t be visible in the “Custom Fields” section of the edit product page screen. Which is a bummer.
So, today, I’ll show you a quick trick so you can always know what the values for product meta keys are without having to mess with print_r() or error_log() in your PHP functions. In the image below, you see the final outcome.
Please note this also shows order hidden meta.
Continue reading WooCommerce: View Product / Order Hidden Custom Fields (“Protected Meta”)