WooCommerce: Redirect URL With SKU To Single Product Page

Let’s say your WooCommerce product has the following permalink: example.com/shop/t-shirts-tops-and-blouses/t-shirt-casual-v-neck-longsleeve-green-medium-cotton-stretch

Wouldn’t it be shorter, more fun and neater if you could also reach the same exact single product page by using example.com/sku00001 in the browser bar, where “sku00001” is the product SKU?

Well, in today’s snippet we will create a simple redirect from a custom URL that contains the product SKU to the product page, so that you can use the URL “shortener in your email marketing, display advertising, blog posts and anywhere you want to show a “pretty link” instead of a full, long, boring product page URL.


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WooCommerce: Display Shipping Class @ Single Product Page

In certain cases, you may want to show the name of the current product’s shipping class. This is helpful especially for B2B stores, or when the shipping class name is very descriptive and helps the customer with their shopping choices.

Of all the places where we can print the shipping class, I chose the “Product Meta” section, which already shows the product SKU, Tags and Categories – this code will add another line called “Shipping class”, together with the name of the class (if any, of course). Enjoy!

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WooCommerce: Display Long Description Instead Of Short One @ Single Product Page

Especially when you migrate from a different ecommerce platform to WooCommerce, you may end up placing or importing content in the wrong place.

A lot of confusion, for example, arises when a new WooCommerce store owner needs to understand the difference between the “Long” and the “Short” description. Well, the “Long description” is the one that displays inside the “Description” tab, below the product summary (that section that features the image on the left + add to cart on the right), usually in full width. The “Short description“, on the other hand, is the one that shows on the right hand side of the product image, and is usually… shorter.

Now, what if you don’t use the “Short description” in your WooCommerce store, and you wish to display the “Long description” on the right hand side of the featured image instead? Well, here’s a simple snippet for you. Enjoy!

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WooCommerce: Display “Related Product Categories” @ Single Product Page

The WooCommerce Single Product page, on top of letting you add to cart the current item, also displays a list of related products and up-sells (when defined).

But what if you ALSO want to show a grid of “related product categories”, so that the customer can easily navigate to a category page instead of a single (related) product?

In this experiment, we will first calculate the current product’s categories, and then use a WooCommerce shortcode to output them as a grid, right below the related products section. Enjoy!

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WooCommerce Hide Categories, Tags Or SKU on Single Product Mini-Plugin

You don’t feel confident with coding? You don’t want to purchase yet another bloated, expensive plugin? Great!

Business Bloomer WooCommerce Hide Categories, Tags Or SKU on Single Product is a mini WooCommerce plugin, without the usual hassles. One feature. Lifetime license. No annoying subscriptions. 1 plugin file. A few lines of code. No banners. No up-sells. No WP notifications. Use it on as many websites as you like. Lifetime support. 1-page documentation. Super simple settings.

Speaking of which, here’s a screenshot of the settings:

Quick demo:

As you can see the plugin is straight forward. Install it, pick what you want to hide, and save. Simple!

WooCommerce: “Load More Related Products” Ajax Button @ Single Product Page

As you know, the WooCommerce Single Product Page displays a set amount of related products (usually 4). But despite the fact that you can customize the number of related products via code, there is no setting that allows you to have a “LOAD MORE” button instead.

My goal is therefore to show as many Related Products as the user wants without reloading the page, so that they can find out more potential matches and increase the chances to place an order.

I must say this took me the whole morning and it’s not yet finished. There are two small bugs: (1) the “Load More” button does not hide once there are no more related products and (2) once the current product’s related products are finished (so, after clicking on the load more button 1 or more times), the Ajax keeps showing the last related product as opposed to show none. Feel free to contribute if you wish to help!

Having said that, let’s see how to implement an Ajax “load more” feature. You can also reuse this on different projects (e.g. “load more blog posts”), because once you get to understand how Ajax works then you can do lots of cool stuff without refreshing the page.


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WooCommerce: Display Sale Price End Date @ Shop & Single Product Page

WooCommerce allows you to “schedule” the product sale price – you can define a start date and an end date, so that you can run your promotion automatically.

However, for some reason, this information is only visible to the admin. It would be awesome to show the “sale price end date” to customers as well, don’t you think? So, let’s do it!

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WooCommerce: Add New Tab @ Single Product Page

I find it unusual that after years of sharing tutorials on Business Bloomer there is no snippet for creating a custom product tab on the single product page!

I mean, we’ve seen an example about Related Products in a Custom Tab snippet a while ago, but here I want to concentrate on the actual functionality of adding a custom tab, giving a name and a heading to it, showing it conditionally (e.g. only for a specific product category), and making sure the “scroll to tab” works when the URL contains its anchor tag.


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WooCommerce: Move Sale Badge Beside Price @ Single Product Page

On a default theme, such as Storefront, the single product page template is laid out so that the SALE badge comes first, on its own line, then comes the product title, the product price on its own line, the short description, the product’s stock availability and the add to cart button.

As you can see from the screenshot below, there is lots of white space on the right hand side, so for my new business line (WooCommerce Mini-Plugins, you somewhat guessed it, right?) I wanted to improve the single product page layout and move the SALE badge right beside the price, so that I could achieve two objectives: save some space, and also focus the customer attention on the product price as opposed on to the badge.

So, let’s see how I did it. Enjoy!

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WooCommerce: Upsells Custom Heading & Subheading @ Single Product Page

We’ve already seen how to edit the “Related Products” title and how to add a subheading below it; this time, we’ll do the exact same but for the upsells section, which shows on the Single Product Page once an admin manually defines some “linked products” in the product settings / upsells.

Once again, we’ll take a look at a snippet to edit the title (“You may also like…“), and another one to add some HTML content below it. Enjoy!

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WooCommerce: Add a Third Description @ Single Product Page

There are times when the “long description” and the “short description” are not enough on the WooCommerce Single Product page. What if you need to add another HTML content section – say – at the very bottom of the page (and maybe, because of the longer page, add another add to cart button there as well)?

In this simple snippet, we will add another “WYSIWYG” text editor in the Edit Product page, and display the output at the bottom of the single product page. Enjoy!

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WooCommerce: Duplicate Add to Cart Button @ Single Product Page

In case you have very long single product pages, it may be helpful to show the Add to Cart form at the bottom of the page or even inside the description tab.

Thankfully this is pretty easy and only requires one line of code. The only thing that you may want to change is the hook name, which defines the position of the button, and the priority, which defines the relative position of the element in case there are other ones “hooked” onto the same hook.

In this example, we will place the button at the very bottom of the page, below tabs, upsells and related products. Enjoy!

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WooCommerce: Hide Specific “Additional Information” Tab Attribute @ Single Product

WooCommerce variable products display the list of attributes and their terms in the “Additional Information” tab on the single product page. For example, it will display “Color: red, yellow” and “Size: large, small” if your variable product uses those attribute terms to generate variations.

Yes, you could completely remove the “Additional Information” tab all together, but sometimes you may need to just hide a specific attribute in this table, for whatever reason. Especially when you want to avoid your customers getting confused and abandoning your website.

So, here’s the fix. Enjoy!

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WooCommerce: Dynamically Update Variable Product Attributes @ Single Product

If you’re familiar with WooCommerce variable products, variations are generated from product attribute terms (color: yellow & size: large for example). All possible attribute terms are displayed in the “Additional Information” tab of the single product page, so that the customer has an idea of all the possible product options.

However, as you can see from the screenshot below, this information is static i.e. does not change when you select a variation. It would be much more helpful if the attribute information changed from e.g. “Color: red – yellow – green” to the currently selected variation attribute term e.g. “Color: red“.

In today’s quick snippet, we’ll show just that: a combination of PHP and jQuery to make sure that “Additional Information” tab is always updated based on the selected variation. Enjoy!

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WooCommerce: Hide Weight & Dimensions From Additional Information Tab @ Single Product

If a WooCommerce product comes with weight and/or height / length / width values, these will be displayed by default in the Single Product page, under the “Additional Information” tab.

Should you need to hide them completely from the frontend while keeping the list of attributes below them, thankfully there’s a PHP one-liner you can use. Enjoy!

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WooCommerce: Truncate Tag List @ Single Product Page

If you use WooCommerce product tags, it’s possible that a product may belong to 10 or more of them. When that happens, the single product page displays a long list of tag links, which may take too much space (see the below screenshot to visualize this).

Today’s snippet is indeed a way to truncate that list to – say – 3 tags only, and add a “+” to show the rest upon click. In this way if the customer is really interested in that they can expand the view, otherwise tags will take up a single line only. Enjoy!

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WooCommerce: Display Selected Variation Info (price, weight, etc.) @ Single Product Page

We already saw how to get the “Variation ID” from the single product page once product attributes dropdown are selected. In that tutorial, we ran a jQuery “change” event once “input.variation_id” got updated.

However, that only gives us access to the variation ID. What if I need to read the variation price, stock quantity, SKU, weight, and so on? Well, in such case, we need different code. Enjoy!

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WooCommerce: Twitter Share & Facebook Like @ Single Product Page (Without a Plugin)

Once again this week we take a look at some of the WooCommerce customization I personally added to A Piece of Sicily, a Sicilian crafts and food marketplace I run together with my very-soon-to-be wife.

This week we take a look at the single product page. There are hundreds of social media share plugins, but I decided to go lightweight and simply embed the Twitter Share and Facebook Like buttons, so that I don’t need to worry about plugin updates, conflicts, etc. You can see the final result on one of my product pages, such as https://www.apieceofsicily.com/en/shop/sicilian-food/confetture-iddu-e-idda-e-arancella/

So, here’s how it’s done. Enjoy!

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WooCommerce: Show Shipping Rates @ Single Product Page

Here’s a way to print shipping zones and rates on the single product page, so that users know how much they’ll end up spending once they reach the Cart/Checkout and there are no “hidden” fees. Not bad for some transparency = better sales conversion rate!

In this tutorial we will first see how to get the default “WooCommerce Shipping Zones Data” and in a second snippet we will instead see how to get the info for each vendor instead.

Either way, enjoy!

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