How to Create a WooCommerce Coupon Code for Bulk Discounts on Specific Products

In a recent Business Bloomer Club Slack thread, a member sought guidance on a common WooCommerce customization: creating a coupon that offers a percentage discount if the customer buys more than a specific quantity of a given product.

While WooCommerce’s default coupon settings allow you to apply a discount to individual products, there’s no built-in option to add quantity-based conditions to the discount. However, with a bit of custom code, you can create a solution that meets this need.

Here’s a breakdown of how to implement this requirement with a filter hook and some custom PHP.

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WooCommerce: Apply Coupon @ Single Product Page

In WooCommerce, applying a coupon code is often part of the checkout flow, but wouldn’t it be convenient for customers to select a coupon directly on the product page before adding items to their cart?

By letting users apply discounts right at the start, you’re streamlining the shopping experience and increasing the likelihood of conversions.

In this post, we’ll show you a quick and effective code snippet to add this functionality to your WooCommerce store. With just a few lines, you’ll empower customers to apply their favorite discount on the product page itself, making the shopping process faster and more engaging.

This guide is perfect for store owners looking to improve user experience and simplify coupon management. Let’s dive in and get this feature running on your product pages!

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WooCommerce: Automatically Apply Coupon Via URL

Recently, I decided to hide the “Apply coupon” form on the cart and checkout page. A coupon form can “distract” potential customers and have them to abandon the checkout to go looking for discount codes.

However, offering discounts is still a crucial strategy to encourage purchases and reward loyal customers. For example, the Business Bloomer Club lifetime membership is subject to Purchasing Power Parity discounts, and customers can get from 5% to 75% off based on their billing country – via a coupon.

The best compromise here is to apply coupons when customers visit specific URLs. In this way, you can simplify the checkout process, reduce friction, and potentially increase conversion rates.

In this blog post, I’ll guide you through the steps to set up automatic coupon application in WooCommerce, ensuring a seamless and efficient experience for both you and your customers. Enjoy!

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How to set the coupon discount based on WooCommerce product category?

We need to create a coupon that will offer different discounts for each product category, something like what this plugin does:

So what we need is to have a single coupon that offers the client:
– x% discount for the Product Category A
– y% discount for the Product Category B

This has to happen even when we have product from both categories in the cart.

If there are both cats in the cart then each cat has to have its own discount percentage applied. The module above manages to do that.

Is there a code snippet that can achieve this, or it’s better to go and by the plugin?

WooCommerce: How to Bulk Generate Coupons Without a Plugin

There are times when doing manual work – such as creating a WooCommerce coupon – is too time consuming. Imagine you need to bulk generate 1,000 coupon codes – sure you have 2,000 minutes at your disposal to do it all by hand?

Well, today, we’ll take a look at how to bulk generate coupon codes from the WordPress backend by using a simple PHP “for“. Once the function triggers, it will just be a matter of seconds!


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WooCommerce: Enable Advanced Coupon Features

While as a WooCommerce store owner, you keep looking for ways to increase your store’s sales and revenue – the same way, your customers also consistently look for opportunities to save money when purchasing online.  

And in this situation, offering coupons and discounts acts as a win-win for your business and customers. 

Statistics suggest that 51% of U.S. buyers search for coupons online before making an online purchase, and over 80% of millennials use coupon codes when shopping online. 

Every online shopper loves a good deal. You can tap into this consumer behavior to attract buyers and increase sales through coupons on your WooCommerce store. 

So, in this article, we see the top WooCommerce coupon plugins you can use. But first, let’s learn more about the benefits of offering coupons to your customers. 

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WooCommerce: How Store Credits Can Benefit Store Owners and Customers

Running an online store often means coming up with smart ideas that can help you sell your products faster. Some of those ideas might succeed and some may fail.

There are no strategies that work all the time, for all WooCommerce websites. But there is one that is often very effective: offering store credits. The reason for its popularity can be attributed to the awesome flexibility it provides to both store owners and customers. 

So, let’s find out more about store credits through this article and how you can enable them in your WooCommerce online store. But first – what are store credits?

Well, with this functionality, customers can purchase store credits (as opposed to buying products) and then they can use their credits to buy products from the store. Buyers can either use it for themselves or gift it to others. It’s an easy and effective way to convert your store visitors into buyers. 

Now it’s time to figure it all out. And thankfully, there’s a plugin for that.

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WooCommerce: Move / Remove Coupon Form @ Cart & Checkout

Coupons: the good, the bad and the ugly. WooCommerce coupon codes are great to convert more sales – but sometimes they get users to pause / stop placing the order until they find a coupon code online (you did it too, I know).

One good workaround that the internet giants such as Amazon and eBay have implemented is to hide the coupon form until an email is entered, or alternatively to move the coupon code to the bottom of the Checkout page. This is a very smart move, and gets the user to concentrate on the Cart / Checkout details before entering or searching for a coupon.

So the question is – how to remove the coupon form in the Cart page and how to move the same to the bottom of the Checkout page? Well, as usual, a bit of PHP can help us. Here’s how it’s done!

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WooCommerce: How to Edit Product Prices in Bulk?

I’m pretty sure that during one of those Black Friday sales all you wanted to do was to apply a bulk discount to your WooCommerce products without having to generate a coupon code.

Let’s not forget that despite coupons are trackable and you can assess your marketing efforts with their usage statistics, requiring the user to take one additional step at checkout (entering the correct coupon code) reduces your sales conversion rate (the same applies with useless checkout fields by the way – less work to do, higher conversion rate).

In today’s post, we’ll see what are the 3 options I recommend in order to apply bulk store discounts. It pretty much depends on your product types (simple vs variable for example) and whether you want to do this via the settings or with a little bit of PHP.

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WooCommerce: Apply Coupon Programmatically if Product @ Cart

Users can manually enter a coupon code, refresh the Cart and see their discount apply… or you can do that automatically (or “programmatically” as we say in the dark web) when a user adds a product to the WooCommerce Cart 🙂

All you’ve got to do is creating a coupon, and then a PHP function will do the whole work. Automation is the best thing in the world!

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