Deleting WooCommerce Product Images by Attribute: A Safe Approach

In a recent Business Bloomer Club thread, a member encountered an issue while attempting to remove images from WooCommerce products with a specific attribute. The function they initially wrote ended up deleting images from all products, which wasn’t the intended outcome. This post explores how to safely delete product images based on specific attributes and ensure that only products matching the criteria are affected.

The user’s goal was to remove images only from products with a particular attribute, such as the brand. However, the initial code used wc_get_products with unsupported parameters (attribute and attribute_term), resulting in an error that applied the action to all products. Below is a revised version of the function, which ensures only products with a specific attribute are affected by first checking for the attribute term in each product.

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WooCommerce: Removing Product Images Across Your Store

In a recent Business Bloomer Club Slack thread, a member inquired about removing product images across their WooCommerce store. For specific cases, like businesses selling digital or intangible products, visual product images may not be relevant or necessary.

In this instance, the user’s client sells DNA tests for animals, where images are not required. Instead of using CSS to hide the images, which may still load them in the background, it’s often more efficient to remove them directly through code. Here’s a quick guide to doing just that with a snippet.

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How to Add Custom Classes to Product Thumbnails in the WooCommerce Loop

In a recent Business Bloomer Club Slack thread, a developer asked how to add custom classes to the <img> tags in the WooCommerce product loop. The default woocommerce_get_product_thumbnail() function doesn’t have an easy hook for adding classes directly to product images.

This functionality would typically involve editing the core WooCommerce template files, but there are ways to achieve the result using WordPress and WooCommerce filters.

Here’s how to add custom classes to product thumbnails without altering core files.

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WooCommerce Without Product Images

This is an edge case, however it may happen that a B2B business requires no product images and doesn’t want to use the WooCommerce image placeholder either (this shows on shop/category pages and the single product page when no featured image is added).

This interesting question was asked by a Club member in our private Slack channel, so I didn’t hesitate for a second and looked for a quick fix (2 lines of code). Enjoy!

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WooCommerce: How to Reuse Zoom/Lightbox Scripts On Non-Product Images

WooCommerce product images on the Single Product page get the default Zoom + Lightbox + Photoswipe behavior. This is super helpful when the images are super important for sales conversion, and less helpful in other cases (in fact, here’s a snippet to disable Zoom etc. from the Woo product pages).

Now, the challenge that I had on this same website was that I wanted blog readers to also enjoy the same WooCommerce zoom / lightbox features on blog post images and screenshots. So, without reinventing the wheel, I’m now loading the WooCommerce scripts on pages like this one (single post), and on image click I trigger the lightbox!

You can test the feature by clicking on the image below. Enjoy!

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WooCommerce: 5 Minor Adjustments for Enhancing Product Images

In the fickle ecommerce industry, captivating product images can be the difference between a sale or a lost customer.

High-quality images have now become an invaluable asset for your online shop, as they can reel in shoppers, showcase your products uniquely and keep visitors engaged longer. And this is right where WooCommerce enters the picture – pun intended!

Armed with stellar features for optimizing product photos, WooCommerce plays an indispensable role in powering up your ecommerce site’s visual appeal.

In our upcoming discussion, we’ll dive deeper into how you can make these minor adjustments work wonders for your online business. Buckle up as we embark on this insightful journey through WooCommerce image optimization mechanism.

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WooCommerce: How to Enhance the Product Gallery

Product featured and gallery images are important components of your online WooCommerce store – because most online shoppers base their product purchase decisions on product images. 

Don’t take our word for it. According to Etsy, 90% of online customers say the product image quality is a decisive factor in an online sale. Thus, it becomes imperative to improve your product images and the visual appearance of your online store to boost clicks, maximize conversions, and increase sales. 

Unfortunately, the standard WooCommerce product gallery provides a basic interface – making it difficult to boost your product images. So, if you want to turn your simple WooCommerce product gallery into a responsive and stunning carousel slider – this article is for you.

We share the top plugins you can use to customize your WooCommerce product gallery and create appealing product images that drive sales. But first, let’s see how improving gallery images can help your online store. 

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WooCommerce: How To Flip Product Images On Hover

Product images on your WooCommerce website play a significant role in increasing clicks and conversions. In fact, research suggests that 87.6% of customers consider the product image as the key component of their shopping experience.      

Naturally, any consumer who clicks on the product card first sees and goes through the product image. After that, they check for the size availability and read the product description, customer ratings, reviews, or technical specifications. 

While installing WooCommerce will help you with the basic setup of your eCommerce store – with minimal image settings and a simple product gallery, you’ll need to look for better ways to boost your product images. 

So, considering the effective role product images play in eCommerce sales, the question is – how can you maximize their potential and deliver an excellent customer experience? 

One way to do this is through the WooCommerce image swap / flip plugins. These plugins let you add a hover effect on your product images to flip or change them. By doing this, you’ll be able to display additional variations of your products, allow customers to preview products right from the category page and keep customers in your store longer by offering them an enjoyable browsing experience.

The product image swap/flip plugins for WooCommerce help stores in several other ways. But first, let’s understand their importance and get a clear picture of their functionality. 

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WooCommerce Blocks: Hide Images Etc. From Product Grid Block

Business Bloomer enters the world of Gutenberg today, and we do it with a simple customization tutorial related to the “Product Grid” WooCommerce Gutenberg Blocks: currently these are “Best Selling Products“, “Newest Products“, “On Sale Products“, “Top Rated Products“, “Products by Category” and use the same base code…

However, all of them use custom code and not the default WooCommerce templates (and therefore we can’t take advantage of the WooCommerce hooks for the shop / product archive / product loop unfortunately), so we need to find a workaround if we wish to remove some of the default elements that come up with the product grid items: product permalink, product image, product title*, sale badge, product price*, rating*, add to cart button* in this exact order.

* As you can see from the screenshot below, actually, you can already remove the information with an asterisk from the Block settings. So, in this article, we will see how to remove the rest in case you don’t want it: permalink, image, sale badge. Enjoy!

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WooCommerce: Switch Image Background On Color Variation Selection

You could upload 10 images, one for each color of your variable product… or you could be slightly smarter and use 1 image only, and then when the user selects a color trigger a background color change!

Easier to code than to explain, so let’s take a look at the screenshot below (image must be a PNG with transparent background) and the PHP snippet. This could be a time-saver, enjoy!

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WooCommerce: Full Width Featured Image @ Single Product Page

The standard layout for the WooCommerce single product page features the main/featured product image on the left and the title/add to cart on the right. But what if you need to turn that image into a hero one i.e. a full width featured image, and push the title and add to cart button under it?

Well, for once, we’ll take a look at a CSS-only snippet. Sometimes the easiest things are also the ones that work brilliantly. Enjoy!

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WooCommerce: Add Content Below Single Product Images

One of the latest WooCommerce versions introduced an optimized product gallery on the single product page. If your products have multiple images and therefore use the product gallery, you might want to also add content below the gallery itself. But…

If you’re familiar with WooCommerce customization and WooCommerce hooks (and specifically the ones of the Single Product Page), you’ll know it’s now impossible to add content under the image as it used to be done with the “woocommerce_product_thumbnails” hook.

In fact, the new gallery completely replaces the default content via JQuery, including that hook. Adding content is not as easy as it used to be. So, here’s the workaround (you might want to check how it behaves on mobile or maybe completely hide this for small devices – this has been tested on desktop only).

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