Choosing the Right WooCommerce Plugin for Country-Based and Wholesale Pricing

In a recent Business Bloomer Club Slack thread, a member was looking for a WooCommerce plugin that could handle complex pricing rules: displaying prices based on a customer’s country while supporting different wholesale prices for specific regions.

They found a plugin by AOVUP (formerly WooSuite) that seemed promising, but since the company was relatively unknown, they were exploring other options.

Here’s a summary of the community’s insights, recommended plugins, and strategies for implementing regional wholesale pricing in WooCommerce.

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WooCommerce: How To Manage Sales Reps / Agents

Sales agents and representatives are an integral part of many businesses’ operational models. However, there’s little to no support in WooCommerce by default for agents, as the platform is built and optimized for typical retail shops.

Managing customers and customer relationships is critical for any business, but even more so for businesses with a large customer base, high transaction values, B2B, wholesale, or affiliate models. Agents are the link between the business and the customer, and may be doing everything from providing sales counsel, to taking and placing orders, or even directly managing and handling individual customer orders.

Each shop might work differently, but what they have in common is that they need an ecommerce solution capable of giving agents a platform with powerful, but limited control over customers and orders.

In this article, we’ll take a look at how a WooCommerce business can add and manage sales agents, as well as useful tricks, tips, and plugins that can help.

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WooCommerce Wholesale Prices: Plugins, Setup, Tips and Snippets

If you’re setting up a wholesale store for your business or for your clients, WooCommerce is a great choice! It’s free, open-source, powerful, and growing in popularity.

However, many important wholesale functions are missing, and that’s particularly important when it comes to wholesale pricing. Let’s explore how we can set up complex pricing in WooCommerce, and in detail:

  • Setting up different prices for different users
  • Tiered pricing and pricing table
  • Bulk pricing and discounts
  • Discounts by quantity or order value

Each functionality can be added via a free or premium plugin or, if you’re familiar with PHP, even by code. Either way, this article will feature one of the many options available.

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WooCommerce: 5 Plugins That Will Increase Your Conversions

Conversion rate is one of the most important metrics to look out for when running an online store. 

Once you have your store all set up and start attracting traffic to your site through SEO and paid advertising, it’s now time to look at how many of your store’s visitors are converting. 

Let’s step back for a moment and take a look at what a conversion is, anyway? Conversion happens when a prospect does what you want them to do. 

If the purpose of a page is to get the email address of the visitor, you’ll have a successful conversion when a visitor lands on your page and drops their email address. 

In terms of eCommerce, conversions usually refer to the event when a visitor buys your products and completes the checkout process. Or simply put, it means a big, fat sale.

If you thought attracting people to your site was enough to persuade them to buy your products, well, you’re seriously mistaken. It turns out that the average conversion rate in eCommerce is only 1-2%. So, even if you’re doing everything right, you’ll be closing the deal only 2% of the time. 

That means every little bit matters. 

In this difficult territory of getting people to convert, comes a list of growth-hacking and optimization plugins for WooCommerce that will put your store’s conversions on fire. 

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WooCommerce B2B: How to Set Up a Wholesale Store

The ecommerce sector is seeing incredible growth, year after year, with no foreseeable end in sight. The same is true for B2B ecommerce, yet there aren’t many good platform choices available for small-to-medium businesses that want to sell wholesale. There are several SaaS solutions on the market, but these are costly, closed-source, and mostly oriented towards larger businesses.

If you are a business owner or developer, WooCommerce is a solution that’s free, versatile and powerful. 

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WooCommerce: Show SKU @ Cart, Checkout, Order & Emails

When SKU matters to the end user, displaying it in the Cart page, Checkout page, Thank you page, My Account View Order page and Order Emails under the item name is a must.

Ideal for B2B businesses and international brands, this simple customization can help you learn how to add any sort of content under the Cart/Checkout/Order item names. Simply use the same hook and try “getting” something different than SKU with this guide. Enjoy!

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WooCommerce: How to Build a Successful Wholesale Store

The default WooCommerce shop page layout makes it difficult for wholesale buyers to purchase in bulk.

This is because wholesale stores have different requirements as compared to retail stores. For instance, wholesale products are best displayed in a one-page order form for quick wholesale ordering as opposed to a more visual, image-rich layout.

In this post, we’ll run the rule over some of the best tools available for building a great WooCommerce wholesale store.

Along the way, we’ll share some tips on how each WooCommerce wholesale plugin can help you achieve a specific goal and deliver a better user experience.

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WooCommerce: How to Set Different Prices Based on User Role?

B2C WooCommerce stores can also have a B2B section. Wholesalers can offer different prices based on different criteria. Subscription stores can offer lower prices to current members.

Either way, setting different WooCommerce prices for different users (“based on user role”) is not that difficult. All you need is a plugin (or a stack of plugins, depending on your custom requirements), and you can immediately show different prices if the logged in user has a specific role or “capability”, as well as targeting active memberships, active subscriptions or other criteria.

If you want to learn more about user roles and capabilities, I suggest to take a look at the WordPress documentation: – you’ll know WordPress has 6 default roles (administrator, editor, etc.) and that WooCommerce adds another one (customer). Other plugins can set additional roles – for example by Justin Tadlock, a very popular WordPress developer.

So, while “targeting” user roles is quite easy, the only difficult part is to choose the right “user role based pricing” product. As usual, when picking a plugin, you always need to consider its functionalities as well as the quality of its support team, long-term reliability, code cleanliness, frequent updates and total number of sales.

Today, we’ll take a look at the plugins I recommend, together with their pros and cons. If you use different stacks or custom functionalities, feel free to interact via the comments.

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WooCommerce: 27 SEO Tips (For Non-Techies)

I had the pleasure to speak at WordCamp Milano 2018, and I had a blast! I believe the topic was pretty interesting, so you all deserve a long post recap with actionable tips and screenshots to understand basic WooCommerce SEO (video of the presentation will be available soon).

The following WooCommerce Search Engine Optimization tips are mostly non technical, and are aimed at WordPress and WooCommerce users who never heard of “schema”, “long tail”, “301” and “hreflang” (although if you did, please have a read anyway, make sure to post a comment and contribute to this post with your expertise).

The thing is – SEO is never going to die. Besides, Google & co. constantly improve their website ranking algorithms. This means what you learned 5 years ago in regard to SEO might not work today, and what you learn today might not work in 2 years time… you get the point.

In this blog post, we will analyze and study 27 evergreen SEO factors for WooCommerce websites. These should be applied (or not applied, as there are many “not to do” tips as well) to your ecommerce website at all costs if you believe you deserve better ranking (who doesn’t?). And as they’re evergreen, they’re likely not to go away for a few years at least 🙂

So, let’s get started!

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WooCommerce: 5 Ways To Increase B2B Conversions

This is a guest post by Matthew Abdalah of Rumbleship – if you like the article, make sure to thank him in the comments!

Customers live in a world of digital distractions and the last place you want your customers to be distracted is during checkout.

Consumer ecommerce (B2C, business-to-consumer) has taught the B2B (business-to-business) world a lot about what a distraction-free, conversion-friendly checkout looks like: we should reference these lessons for best practices.

Due to its ubiquity, your wholesale buyers are conditioned to expect a comparable level of service to what they experience on B2C websites such as Amazon and eBay.

Tactics like 30-day terms, free shipping and bulk discounts are some of the techniques referenced in this article but we’ve compiled a few extra ones.

Here are 5 creative ways to reduce wholesale WooCommerce shopping cart abandonment, increase your sales conversion rate and grow your profits. Continue reading WooCommerce: 5 Ways To Increase B2B Conversions

WooCommerce: How to Get Customers to Request a Quote?

Not all WooCommerce websites are born equal. Sometimes a price and an add to cart button are just not enough.

B2B platforms, wholesalers and high-ticket businesses are usually quite flexible with their pricing and might need to give customers the freedom to request a quote.

Correct, WooCommerce can be used as a quoting engine as opposed to a standard ecommerce website (or both can be enabled at the same time if there are two different audiences).

As usual, there are different solutions. In this article, we’ll see how to use a simple code snippet to show a contact form on the single product page, we’ll see which free plugins are available on and – of course – we will also take a look at more advanced, premium extensions.

Either way, the beauty about WooCommerce is that with the click of a button you can customize the way it behaves!

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WooCommerce: How to Add to Cart Multiple Variations at Once?

This is a very common issue for B2B / Wholesale WooCommerce website managers. In these case scenarios, clients usually need to add to cart multiple variations to cart on the same page, without refreshing it each time.

For example, a clothing wholesale client wishes to order 100 Medium, 150 Large and 50 Small t-shirts without having to switch dropdown/swatch choice, click on 3 add to cart buttons and wasting time.

Thankfully, there are WooCommerce plugins for that. And today I give you a few premium choices.

No matter whether each variation is displayed in a table and has its own add to cart button or there is a single add to cart button for all variations – ordering more products at the same is a breeze!

Continue reading WooCommerce: How to Add to Cart Multiple Variations at Once?