Unlocking WooCommerce’s Full Potential: Addressing Its Weaknesses

cockle, shell, beach

Greetings from a seasoned WooCommerce user, developer, and advocate with over 12 years of experience!

I “play” with WooCommerce daily and believe there’s room for improvement. Simply catching up with competitors isn’t the right goal—STANDING OUT (yes, in all caps) is what we should be aiming for.

When you’re focused solely on closing the gap, you risk being seen as “the alternative to” rather than a standout in your own right. WooCommerce, with its unique ecosystem and flexibility, has the potential to thrive by embracing its strengths instead of chasing a moving target. By stepping away from the “catching up” mindset, you can create a truly exceptional product—one that isn’t just comparable but incomparable, one that leads rather than follows.

So, let’s take a step back.

I believe ecommerce software should let you sell ANYTHING (products) to ANYONE (customers around the world), while getting PAID and being able to DELIVER the package asap.

If Woo can address all that, it can really become outstanding, a piece of software that is worth talking about, and that doesn’t need to be compared to others. Because it’s unique.

There’s a reason why you can’t compare pears to apples—yet you could argue that diamonds outshine gold.

So, here’s an overview of key areas where WooCommerce might have weaknesses compared to other ecommerce platforms, together with some context.

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WooCommerce: Remove “incl. tax” “ex. tax” Labels From Cart / Checkout / Order Totals

Do you want to simplify your WooCommerce prices by removing confusing tax labels?

This code tutorial is your guide to removing the “incl. tax” and “ex. tax” labels from your cart, checkout, and order totals in WooCommerce when your “Prices entered with tax” tax option is set to “Yes, I will enter prices inclusive of tax“.

Whether you find them unnecessary or want to create a cleaner pricing display, this tutorial will walk you through two effective snippets to achieve this customization.


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WooCommerce Tax display by customer role?

In a WooCommerce store, I have two roles: Customer and Professional. In the WooCommerce options, I have selected to display prices in the cart and checkout with taxes included.

Now, I need for the Professional role to have the opposite setting, that in the cart and checkout the prices are displayed without taxes included.

Is there a way to modify that option depending on the role? If it is possible to do so, is there a filter or a clue from which I can start researching?

WooCommerce: Super Simple EU Vat Number Validation (VIES)

As an EU merchant dealing with VAT customers, I often find myself doing manual checks on the VIES VAT number validation website. Thankfully most of my customers are outside the EU so I don’t use the tool often, but still, for a developer this is just a waste of time!

By studying the available options on various online forums, I found a super simple workaround that doesn’t even require signing up for an API.

In fact, you can simply visit an URL and get the response straight away – which means we can access the same URL via PHP, get the response, and possibly return an error on the WooCommerce Checkout page in case the number is not valid.

Read on to find out how I use this validation on this same website.

Continue reading WooCommerce: Super Simple EU Vat Number Validation (VIES)

WooCommerce “Inconsistent tax settings” error

Entering prices exclusive of tax while displaying the shop price inclusive of price brings on this notification “Inconsistent tax settings”. Is this really a problem if a shop mostly sells in their own country? Okay, there could be some very small rounding problems, i guess. But i guess it’s mostly safe to enter prices exclusive tax to avoid tax changes. How do you handle this?

WooCommerce: Get Order Tax Percentage

You’d think WooCommerce had an easy way to get the order tax rate percentage, the same way as you can get almost everything inside the “order object” with a single line of PHP. Well, that’s not the case unfortunately.

The reason is that probably each order can have multiple tax rates, and that tax is not only applied to product prices, but also optionally to shipping, fees and more.

So, how do we get the list of tax rates in a WooCommerce order? Here’s a quick snippet that you can use – enjoy!

Continue reading WooCommerce: Get Order Tax Percentage

WooCommerce: Set Customer Default Tax Location

The WooCommerce settings allow you to define the default customer tax location (“Calculate tax based on” -> “Shop base address“). In this case, when a guest customer enters the checkout, tax will be calculated based on the store address.

The problem is that this option is unusual – businesses require the “Calculate tax based on” -> “Customer billing address” option in most cases.

So, today, we will be setting the default tax location when “Customer billing address” has been chosen AND the customer is either logged out (so, no billing address is set) or logged in but have no saved address (for example, a brand new customer). Enjoy!

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WooCommerce: Display Prices Inc + Ex Tax

The WooCommerce settings allow you to show prices including OR excluding tax. But what if we want to show both at the same time e.g. “$100 inc. tax – $89 ex. tax”?

Well, by combining the snippet below with the snippet I already coded for variable products price range, or by installing our Mini/Plugin, you can achieve exactly that.

Yes, in theory you could add a WooCommerce suffix via the settings, but unfortunately WooCommerce wraps such suffix in a “small” HTML tag and therefore the whole content is smaller in size, including the second price.

In this tutorial, we’ll see how to add a suffix via PHP instead, and specifically at how to add the price including tax if your store displays prices excluding tax. Enjoy!

Continue reading WooCommerce: Display Prices Inc + Ex Tax

WooCommerce B2B: How to Set Up a Wholesale Store

The ecommerce sector is seeing incredible growth, year after year, with no foreseeable end in sight. The same is true for B2B ecommerce, yet there aren’t many good platform choices available for small-to-medium businesses that want to sell wholesale. There are several SaaS solutions on the market, but these are costly, closed-source, and mostly oriented towards larger businesses.

If you are a business owner or developer, WooCommerce is a solution that’s free, versatile and powerful. 

Continue reading WooCommerce B2B: How to Set Up a Wholesale Store

WooCommerce: 6 Tax & Accounting Tips to Save You Time This Tax Season

If just the thought of tax season gives you a headache, you’re not alone. In fact, 60 percent of small-business owners don’t feel confident about their accounting knowledge (Small Business Report – Accounting).

We understand the feeling – tax season is approaching and you’re frantically trying to add up and categorize all of those shoe boxes full of receipts. Or maybe you’re not even completely sure of your business’ financial position as you haven’t accurately tracked your orders/sales.

Whether you’re behind on your accounting, unsure of what your business income is, or simply want to save yourself the time and headaches that tax season entails, this guide is for you.

We have compiled our top WooCommerce accounting tips to save you time this tax season (and every year there after…)

Ready to dive in?

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WooCommerce: Tax Exempt User Based on Checkout Field Value

There is a nice WooCommerce function you can use to exempt someone from Tax/VAT calculations. You could, for example, enable exemption once they enter a Tax/VAT number, or maybe if they specify a given ZIP code.

Such function is called set_is_vat_exempt(), and together with a little trick to “get” a checkout field on the go, the snippet is pretty simple to build and test. Enjoy!

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