Tax display by customer role?

In a WooCommerce store, I have two roles: Customer and Professional. In the WooCommerce options, I have selected to display prices in the cart and checkout with taxes included.

Now, I need for the Professional role to have the opposite setting, that in the cart and checkout the prices are displayed without taxes included.

Is there a way to modify that option depending on the role? If it is possible to do so, is there a filter or a clue from which I can start researching?

4 thoughts on “Tax display by customer role?

  1. I’ve tried this code snippet, but unfortunately, it is not working. I have a user role set for wholesale customers who will not be charged taxes. Would be great instead of buying a plugin!

  2. You can definitely do that. First of all should help you understand how to run a function only when a user has a certain role.

    Second, you can “set” whatever WordPress option you like with the filter

    This is a similar scenario:

    1. This code snippet should do the trick:

      function bb_override_wc_tax_display( $v ) {
          if ( current_user_can( 'professional' ) ) {
              return 'excl';
          return $v;
      add_filter( 'pre_option_woocommerce_tax_display_shop', 'bb_override_wc_tax_display' );
      add_filter( 'pre_option_woocommerce_tax_display_cart', 'bb_override_wc_tax_display' );

      I’m unsure how you added the “Professional” role to your site, but this code snippet is assuming there is a capability called “professional”.


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