Adding Recurring Order Options on WooCommerce Checkout

In a recent Business Bloomer Club discussion, a member sought advice on adding a flexible “Repeat Order” feature directly on the WooCommerce checkout page. The desired functionality would allow customers to select an interval (such as 1 month, 2 months, etc.) to automatically repeat their purchase at chosen intervals, instead of configuring subscriptions on individual product pages.

While WooCommerce Subscriptions and the All Products for WooCommerce Subscriptions extension offer recurring purchase options, they don’t currently provide a way to set a recurring schedule from the checkout page.

Let’s explore potential approaches for implementing this feature, from using existing plugins with some limitations to adding custom code for a checkout-based recurring option.

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WooCommerce: Subscription-Based Discounts with Free Gift on First Order

In a recent Business Bloomer Club Slack thread, a user sought advice on a unique discounting requirement for their WooCommerce store. The goal was to offer a free product (a specific SKU) with the first order when a customer subscribes to one of several products on a monthly basis. This one-time free item wouldn’t renew with subsequent monthly shipments, making it a special “thank you” perk for new subscribers.

While various plugins can handle standard discounting and free gifts, configuring a system to check if a subscription product is in the cart, then automatically adding a free item for the first purchase only, poses a specific challenge. Here’s a breakdown of the approach to achieving this.

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WooCommerce: Automating Hourly Support Package Renewals Using Saved Cards

In a Business Bloomer Club Slack thread, members explored an innovative solution to automate support hour top-ups for clients who pre-purchase hourly support packages.

Rather than relying on a traditional subscription, they needed an approach that allows for on-demand billing as soon as additional hours are required. With stored credit card information available in WooCommerce via Stripe or PayPal, there are ways to create a seamless “auto-purchase” experience, allowing customers to receive a pending order and complete payments without manual checkout.

Here’s how to leverage saved card data in WooCommerce for streamlined renewals and hassle-free billing.

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WooCommerce: Disable Payment Gateway By Product Type

Ever wondered if you could toggle payment gateways based on whether a given “product type” is in the WooCommerce Cart? For example, disable PayPal if there are simple subscription products, or enable Stripe only when there are variable products?

Well, with this simple code (and the 2 examples) you find below, you can manage to achieve just that. The second example regards the WooCommerce Subscriptions plugin, as this requires some plugin-specific functions to check for the product type. Enjoy!

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WooCommerce Subscriptions: Display Start-End Dates @ Cart & Checkout

Interestingly enough, when you add a subscription product to the cart, there is no renewal date information unless you scroll to the very bottom and are able to read the very small text below the “recurring total” (see screenshot).

It would be way more helpful if dates (and specifically the WooCommerce subscription start date and end date) showed right under the product name inside the Cart table and in the Checkout page order review, so that the customer knows exactly what they are purchasing before having to figure that out.

So, here’s how it’s done. Enjoy!

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WooCommerce Subscriptions: Get Subscribers By Product

If you use the official WooCommerce Subscription plugin, one day or another you will need to know what is the list of subscribers for a given subscription product. In my own specific case, for example, I wanted to know who are the “active” subscribers for my private Business Bloomer Club membership, so that I can display some conditional content.

There is a neat WooCommerce Subscription function called wcs_get_subscriptions_for_product(), which does exactly that: it returns an array of subscription IDs given a chosen subscription product ID. Once you have the array, you can then loop through each subscription ID in order to get whatever you need – you’ll see below a few examples of the most common data. Enjoy!

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WooCommerce: Check If Product Is A Subscription

We’ve already found out how to check if a WooCommerce product is simple, variable, grouped… Today we add more conditional tags as we study which WooCommerce “product types” are included within the official WooCommerce Subscriptions extension.

There are two new product types in such case: “Simple Subscription” and “Variable Subscription”, with the difference being you can offer multiple billing periods within the same product page (choice between daily, monthly and yearly for example) with the latter.

So, how do we know if a given product ID is a subscription, and also whether it’s a simple or variable one? Here’s the quick solution – enjoy!

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WooCommerce: Membership Plugins Compared

A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush” applies well to business. While customer acquisition is important, what’s even better is to drive repeat sales and increase your business by retaining your existing customers. 

An excellent way to do this is by offering memberships on your online store. By making customers a part of an exclusive club or giving them privileged access to content and offers, you can make them feel valued and enhance their loyalty towards your brand. 

Take it from the 76% of businesses that claim a subscription-based model helps them retain customers and create long-term relationships with them. 

And this is not it – by limiting access to premium content, you can also compel non-members to convert and purchase from you. 

Now, the thought of creating and managing memberships on your online store can seem scary, but WooCommerce membership plugins can make the job simple for you. With their ease of use, features, integrations, pricing, and support, these plugins are some of the most sought-after when it comes to memberships. 

This article will explore 6 WooCommerce plugins you can use to start a membership program in your store from scratch. But first, let’s take a look at the benefits of a membership website. 

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WooCommerce: 5 Plugins That Will Increase Your Conversions

Conversion rate is one of the most important metrics to look out for when running an online store. 

Once you have your store all set up and start attracting traffic to your site through SEO and paid advertising, it’s now time to look at how many of your store’s visitors are converting. 

Let’s step back for a moment and take a look at what a conversion is, anyway? Conversion happens when a prospect does what you want them to do. 

If the purpose of a page is to get the email address of the visitor, you’ll have a successful conversion when a visitor lands on your page and drops their email address. 

In terms of eCommerce, conversions usually refer to the event when a visitor buys your products and completes the checkout process. Or simply put, it means a big, fat sale.

If you thought attracting people to your site was enough to persuade them to buy your products, well, you’re seriously mistaken. It turns out that the average conversion rate in eCommerce is only 1-2%. So, even if you’re doing everything right, you’ll be closing the deal only 2% of the time. 

That means every little bit matters. 

In this difficult territory of getting people to convert, comes a list of growth-hacking and optimization plugins for WooCommerce that will put your store’s conversions on fire. 

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WooCommerce: Allow to “Pay for Order” Without Login

Some plugins such as “deposit” and “subscription” payments send customers to the “Pay for Order” page in order to complete a pending WooCommerce order.

In certain cases, also, the customer is forced to log in and this really affect sales conversion rate – instead of the checkout form customers see this notice: “Please log in to your account below to continue to the payment form“.

On top of that, there is another notification error for guest orders: “To view this page, you must either login or verify the email address associated with the order” – we’ll fix that as well.

Here’s a quick snippet to make sure customers do not have to log in when on the “Pay for Order” page, so that they can immediately go ahead with the payment.

The WooCommerce function in question is wc_customer_has_capability, and thankfully we can override this with the user_has_cap filter. Enjoy!

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WooCommerce: Which Subscriptions Plugin Should You Buy?

Setting up a recurring revenue stream is one of the hottest ecommerce money-making strategies. And there is no doubt that, no matter whether you sell cakes, audio books, services, rentals, there is always room for a “subscription” product.

Think about selling a product once, and then seeing automatic renewal orders come through. And where the customers’ credit card is automatically charged. Yes, this can be done with a “WooCommerce Subscriptions” plugin.

Though, it comes at a cost (besides, it’s a subscription you have to purchase from a WooCommerce plugin developer to guarantee on-going bug fixing, support and maintenance!), with the reason being you can’t really code such a delicate functionality on your own (with a snippet for example). Subscription plugins are about money, revenue, automatic charge operations, tokens, error handling, retrials and other complex things – at this stage you have no other choice than purchasing an out-of-the-box solution: a reliable WooCommerce Subscriptions plugin.

The hard part here is deciding which subscription plugin is the best fit for you as a user and for your WooCommerce store. You also need to consider things such as integration, compatibility, UX, payment gateways, support (my favorite), code quality, functionality roadmap, maintenance, long-term reliability and – also – price.

This ultimate review guide goes through my top 3 choices. From $49 to $199, you have a full range of products, and each one offers the same exact thing: recurring payments.

So, what’s the difference? Which one should you pick?

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