How to Translate the WooCommerce Currency Symbol for Multilingual Stores

In a recent Business Bloomer Club Slack thread, a WooCommerce user wanted to translate the currency code “TWD” (Taiwan Dollar) into the Traditional Chinese symbol “新台幣.”

Since WPML does not handle currency symbols directly, an alternative solution is required.

Here’s how to customize WooCommerce currency symbols to display a translated version.

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WooCommerce: Set Different Currency For Manual Orders

Business Bloomer website sells in USD only for the time being, as that seems to be the standard for WordPress plugin / products stores.

However, I prefer to invoice clients in EUR (I also switch PayPal and Stripe keys on the go). Which means, I needed to find a way to “set” a different currency whenever I create a manual order (which, by default, is in USD). So, here’s the fix!

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WooCommerce: Top Multilingual Plugins

I have spoken about the need to internationalize your WooCommerce store before. There are all-in-one, country-based plugins that let you ensure your store is ready for a specific country’s audience (e.g. Germany, Japan, Brazil, Italy and the Czech Republic). 

But this isn’t exactly the right type of plugin for the merchant who is trying to service a truly international audience spread across various countries or continents. For this type of merchant, the first two steps are to add multi-currency and multilingual support.

Fortunately, just as there are many multi-currency plugins out there, there are quite a few WooCommerce-dedicated multilingual plugins to choose from. One of the plugins mentioned below even lets you do both!

In this listicle, we are going to compare the most popular multi-language plugins available for WooCommerce stores. Let’s jump right in.

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WooCommerce: Top Multi-Currency Plugins

Look around you.

The world we live in is a thoroughly globalized and interconnected one. Limiting factors such as space and time have been compressed by intercontinental supply chains and information technology. In short, we have inherited a smaller world. So I implore you, merchants of WooCommerce, to take your inheritance in hand and make the world your oyster. Begin selling your goods and services to an international audience as swiftly as you can. 

One of the first things you will require is a multi-currency plugin because, despite the fact that WooCommerce lets you choose between 100+ currencies, you can only enable one base currency at a time. To sell to an international audience successfully, you will need to do better than this. You will need to display the appropriate currency based on who is looking at your products or where they are looking at your products from. Multi-currency plugins, some of which are referred to as currency switchers, let you do that. 

So without further ado, let’s take a look at our top picks for multi-currency plugins. 

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WooCommerce: How to Set Different Prices Based on User Role?

B2C WooCommerce stores can also have a B2B section. Wholesalers can offer different prices based on different criteria. Subscription stores can offer lower prices to current members.

Either way, setting different WooCommerce prices for different users (“based on user role”) is not that difficult. All you need is a plugin (or a stack of plugins, depending on your custom requirements), and you can immediately show different prices if the logged in user has a specific role or “capability”, as well as targeting active memberships, active subscriptions or other criteria.

If you want to learn more about user roles and capabilities, I suggest to take a look at the WordPress documentation: – you’ll know WordPress has 6 default roles (administrator, editor, etc.) and that WooCommerce adds another one (customer). Other plugins can set additional roles – for example by Justin Tadlock, a very popular WordPress developer.

So, while “targeting” user roles is quite easy, the only difficult part is to choose the right “user role based pricing” product. As usual, when picking a plugin, you always need to consider its functionalities as well as the quality of its support team, long-term reliability, code cleanliness, frequent updates and total number of sales.

Today, we’ll take a look at the plugins I recommend, together with their pros and cons. If you use different stacks or custom functionalities, feel free to interact via the comments.

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WooCommerce: How to Test Geolocation?

Great question, isn’t it?

How do you make sure your shipping, taxes and currency settings are working properly when they depend on geolocation and you can only test from a single world location?

WooCommerce uses a free geolocation service called MaxMind. By default this is active via the settings but can be disabled. The set of functions (or class) that WooCommerce uses is in the /includes folder, and it’s called Class WC_Geolocation.

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WooCommerce: How to Enable Multi-Currency?

If you got here it’s because you’re looking to increase your sales conversion rate by enabling “Multi-Currency” in your WooCommerce website.

The concept behind the currency switcher is simple: if I’m based in Europe I’d love paying in Euros, while if I were based in US I wouldn’t fancy the same treatment and I’d prefer paying in US Dollars – and so on. The more currencies, the higher your conversion rate.

Unfortunately you can only pick one currency from the WooCommerce settings, so you’ll need a plugin for enabling Multi-Currency. And despite there are many WooCommerce currency switcher plugins out there, there is one that stands out from the crowd.

A good currency switcher plugin for WooCommerce has many requirements. First of all, great support and clean code – when dealing with online payments you have to be sure everything works perfectly and that online customers don’t abandon the checkout. Second, Multi-Currency should work together with geolocation: manually selecting currencies is ok and all, but displaying automatically the correct currency based on IP address is much better UX. Finally, you should have the option of deciding conversion rates yourself or using reliable automatic database checking for daily exchange rate checking.

Thankfully, you can achieve all that with a single plugin.

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WooCommerce: 85 Free Plugins for Every Challenge

free woocommerce plugins

WooCommerce is one of the most popular WordPress plugin for adding eCommerce or cart functionality to a WordPress website. According to recent research by aheadWorks, WooCommerce now accounts for 26.5% of the total eCommerce market share. And recent acquisition by Automattic indicates that it has a great future ahead.

WooCommerce is well known for its huge flexibility and vast customization options. There are hundreds of WooCommerce plugins or Extensions available for extending the functionality. If you want some recommendations in this direction, check out some of the best free WooCommerce plugins (sorted by number of active install).

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