When building custom functions and using hooks and filters, you may want to apply those changes to a unique product id: “If product id = xxx, then execute this function”.
Honestly, I tried to do that with the simplest of all solutions (is_single WordPress conditional tag) but it didn’t work for me. Hopefully, I can help you solve this in 2 seconds!
WooCommerce problem: is_single() doesn’t work for product IDs
add_action( 'woocommerce_before_single_product', 'bbloomer_run_this_for_specific_product_id' );
function bbloomer_run_this_for_specific_product_id() {
if ( is_single( 123 ) ) {
// whatever you try to do here for product id = 123 won't work
Solution: check $product->get_id() instead
add_action( 'woocommerce_before_single_product', 'bbloomer_run_this_for_specific_product_id' );
function bbloomer_run_this_for_specific_product_id() {
global $product;
if ( $product->get_id() == 123 ) {
// whatever you try to do here for product id = 123 will work
I had to change this line
if ($post->ID = ‘123’) {
if ($post->ID == ‘123’) {
to make the code only run on the desired post
Did I miss something?
Correct, thanks for spotting the typo!