WooCommerce: Show Product Stock @ Cart Page

We’ve already seen how to display stock quantity and status on the Shop Page – today we’ll do something similar, but this time we’ll work on the Cart product table, so that we can visually display stock status and quantity to WooCommerce customers who are about to checkout.

Please note – in order for the snippet to work you must have “stock management” enabled, and also each single product in the cart must have “managing stock” checked and, if on backorder, “allow but notify customer” must be selected, otherwise you will see nothing. Enjoy!

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WooCommerce: Display “In Stock” Products First @ Shop

We’ve already seen how to add a custom “Product Sorting” option to the “Default Sorting” dropdown in the WooCommerce Shop page.

The task I was presented with, however, was to display items based on a custom “meta key”. Now, if you have no idea what a “meta key” is, don’t worry too much. For example, “_stock_status” is one of these keys, and therefore you can sort products by that key as opposed to product name, date, price, etc.

So, let’s see how to show all out of stock products as last in the shop, category and loop pages. As usual, simply copy/paste this little plugin in your functions.php and you’ll get the wanted result ๐Ÿ™‚

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WooCommerce: Get Product Data (ID, SKU, $) From $product Object

I’ve been wanting to publish this guide for a long while. As a WooCommerce development freelancer, every day I repeat many operations that make me waste time… and one of them is indeed “How to get ____ if I have the $product variable/object?“.

For example, “How can I get the product SKU“? Or “How can I get the product short description“? Or maybe the product stock level, shipping class, tax class, price, regular price, sale price, and so on… hopefully this article will save you time.

Of course, not always you have access to the $product global – but you may know the $product_id. In this case, you can use the wc_get_product WooCommerce function to calculate the $product object – you find this case scenario below.

Other examples might be the order or the cart page. Once again, in here you don’t really have a $product available, so you have to loop through the order/cart items and “get” it. After that, you can then calculate and get any piece of information you require out of $product. Enjoy!

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