I’ve put together a visual hook guide for the WooCommerce Cart Block (you can find the legacy shortcode version here).
Please note – as of the date above, you can’t really customize the Cart Block via PHP (unless you use the workaround below).
If you need to personalize the Cart page, move elements around, hide default elements, add custom content, you can play on the Edit Page and do the usual manual work with blocks: you can move them (e.g. you can move the coupon form to the bottom), remove them (e.g. you can remove the cross-sells block), place blocks in between default blocks (e.g. you can add some text above and below the “Place Order” button), etc.
But if you wish to do that via code (custom plugin, snippet, child theme), then you must revert to the shortcode version – unless, once again, you get to understand my workaround as per the below visual hook guide.
So, at least for now and until WooCommerce decides to release actions and filters for us developers, let’s see how to find WooCommerce Cart Block hooks quickly and easily by seeing their actual location.
Once you’ve picked your hook, all you need to do in your custom code is “add_action(‘hook_name’,’custom_function’);” and you can place your personalized content in that exact position within the WooCommerce Cart Block.
Continue reading WooCommerce Visual Hook Guide: Cart Page (Block Version)