WooCommerce: Conditionally Display Content to Customers [Shortcode]

Today’s customization will feature a custom shortcode that you can use to display content only to logged in customers: [customers-only]content for customers here e.g. video iframe[/customers-only]

This is perfect for membership sites, LMS platforms, paywalled content.

In my case, only premium Club members with a ‘CLASS’ pass can watch upcoming WooCommerce masterclasses and past recordings, so I needed the shortcode to hide the video to logged out users or logged in customers without a pass.

By wrapping the video iframe HTML inside the shortcode, I can show the video to logged in customers who purchased a given product ID, or alternatively show an error message, which you can see in action here, in the “The recording is now available!” section: https://www.businessbloomer.com/class/behind-the-scenes-how-i-run-business-bloomer/

So, how did I do it? Find out below, and hope you can use it too!

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WooCommerce: Limit Daily Sales For Cheap Products (Anti-Spam)

We could call this the “WooCommerce Anti-Spam Without a Plugin” series, while I attempt to fight against bad humans and very bad bots who love attacking the Business Bloomer checkout page with spam orders and fake user registrations.

My first attempts were (1) My Account registration anti-spam honeypot, (2) Checkout anti-carding-attack honeypot, and (3) Reducing the number of admin emails, but I can tell that (2) didn’t work, and I got another carding attack on a $9 product last weekend. Bots are smart.

Today, I’d like to share another anti-spam snippet that I’m currently testing on Business Bloomer. Most carding attacks, in fact, end up with the purchase of a single product in the $1-$9 range – which means that limiting the daily sales for specific, inexpensive, products may do the trick.

My code counts the times each product has been purchased during the day – and if a carding attack occurs, the product won’t be purchasable any longer until the end of the day. Because we’re talking about cheap products, it’s no problem for me to disallow legit sales as well for 24 hours. Use at your own risk, of course.

We already covered how to “Limit Sales Of A Product Per Day“, but this time I’d like to apply that to an array of products – and specifically all those that are under $10. Enjoy!

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WooCommerce: User Can Only Purchase A Product Once

In the era of online courses, subscriptions, custom-made products and product personalization, it may happen that you need to limit a specific WooCommerce product sales. For example – users may only purchase a trial product once in their lifetime.

In this short tutorial, we will see how this is done. Clearly, the user must be logged in in order for the code to trigger, so this applies to stores that require checkout login before proceeding with the order.


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WooCommerce: Get List of Users Who Purchased a Product ID

This time around we’ll take a look at some SQL. As you know, WooCommerce orders (same as WooCommerce products) are stored in the WordPress database.

Instead of using complex PHP loops and conditionals, sometimes knowing a bit of database “reading” can help. I took some inspiration (because I don’t know everything by heart) from the wc_customer_bought_product()” WooCommerce function, which contains some SQL to check if a user has purchased a given product.

I’ve played a little with the same SQL SELECT call, and managed to return the list of user email addresses who have purchased a specific product ID. If you’re ever going to need this, enjoy!

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