We already saw how to disable the default payment gateway in the WooCommerce Checkout page, so that users are forced to click on one of the options.
Well, we can do the exact same with the shipping methods!
In this way, customers will be forced to actually click on one of the shipping options. This is helpful when you don’t want to have a default shipping, and when your customers often “forget” to pick the correct one and ask to change it once the order has been placed.
PHP Snippet: Disable Default Shipping Method @ WooCommerce Checkout
This snippet adds an action hook that will execute the bbloomer_uncheck_default_shipping_method function before the checkout form is displayed. It destroys the chosen shipping method – if any – to ensure that no default shipping method is pre-selected.
Then, we add inline JavaScript to the page. The JavaScript code inside will be executed when the document body triggers the ‘updated_checkout‘ event.
This JavaScript code waits for the ‘updated_checkout‘ event to occur once (because otherwise it will run every time there is a checkout refresh!), and when it happens, it unchecks all input elements with the class ‘shipping_method‘ (effectively clearing any selected shipping methods).
Finally, just to be sure, we add a filter to remove any default shipping for a givenpackage, before we even get to the Checkout page.
In summary, this code is intended to ensure that no default shipping method is pre-selected when a user reaches the WooCommerce checkout page. It also clears the chosen shipping methods from the session – and then uses JavaScript to uncheck any selected shipping methods visually.
* @snippet No Default Shipping @ WooCommerce Checkout
* @tutorial Get CustomizeWoo.com FREE
* @author Rodolfo Melogli, Business Bloomer
* @compatible WooCommerce 8
* @community Join https://businessbloomer.com/club/
add_action( 'woocommerce_before_checkout_form', 'bbloomer_uncheck_default_shipping_method' );
function bbloomer_uncheck_default_shipping_method() {
WC()->session->set( 'chosen_shipping_methods', null );
wc_enqueue_js( "
$( document.body ).one( 'updated_checkout', function() {
$('input.shipping_method').prop('checked', false);
" );
add_filter( 'woocommerce_shipping_chosen_method', '__return_null' );
code working correctly but when user select billing state the pre-selected shipping method is selected automatically!
I can’t replicate this bug. Can you please temporarily disable everything but Woo and this snippet and try again?
This is great….. I was looking for a solution for this…. I tried your solution which works great and it worked.
Thank you very much
Great thank you!
how to disable default shipping selection also in cart page?
Ciao Alessandro, thanks so much for your comment! Yes, this is definitely possible, but I’m afraid it’s custom work. If you’d like to get a quote, feel free to contact me here. Thanks a lot for your understanding!