My Courses > TroubleshootWoo > Module 2 > Lesson 04: Picking the Right Hosting

Picking the Right Hosting


Another way to reduce troubleshooting time is by picking the right hosting provider. There is definitely not a best hosting provider. Otherwise, there would just be one hosting left in business.


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Documentation & Tutorials

Here are additional articles you can study if you wish to improve your knowledge around this topic. Enjoy!

WooCommerce: What’s the Best Hosting Provider?

WooCommerce: How to Safely Update Via Staging

WooCommerce: How to Clone/Migrate (Step by Step)?

WooCommerce: How Many Products Can It Handle?

2 thoughts on “Picking the Right Hosting

  1. Lossless staging: I never tried that, as it sounds terrifying 🙂
    Do you have any solution that you found reliable?

    1. I know. The only solution I found reliable is… doing it manually i.e. I update the site on staging, test the checkout, and then redo all updates on my live site manually and test the checkout again. Not ideal but works for me. However, more complex websites may enjoy the lossless function in my opinion.

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