WooCommerce: Edit “x customer reviews” String @ Single Product Page

WooCommerce is a powerful ecommerce platform that offers a robust review system to help businesses build trust and credibility.

While WooCommerce provides a default review display, you may want to customize it to fit your specific needs. This tutorial will guide you through the process of editing the “x customer reviews” text on a single product page.

By following these steps, you can tailor your product review display to match your brand’s aesthetic and provide a more engaging shopping experience for your customers.

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WooCommerce: Enable Product Reviews for Logged Out Verified Customers

In WooCommerce, product reviews are a powerful way to build trust and encourage future purchases.

If you want to avoid spam, you’d usually select the “Reviews can only be left by verified owners” option, so that only logged in customers can leave reviews.

This can be limiting, especially if you want to allow verified buyers who are not logged in to share their feedback, without forcing them to log in first.

In this tutorial, I’ll show you how to customize WooCommerce to allow logged-out verified customers to leave product reviews.

With a simple PHP snippet, we’ll adjust WooCommerce review settings to accept reviews from users who have purchased a product, regardless of their login status. This way, you can enhance the customer experience while maintaining authenticity and security for product feedback.

Let’s dive into the code and get started!

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WooCommerce: Notify Admin For Product Reviews But Not For WordPress Comments

WooCommerce product reviews are, actually, WordPress comments.

When you install WordPress, comment notifications for admins are turned on. You can choose to receive emails for all new comments, or only for comments that require moderation (haven’t been approved yet).

The problem is that if your site gets a lot of spam comments, you might be bombarded with emails. Even with legitimate comments, constant notifications can be overwhelming.

So what if we disable WordPress comment notifications all together, while we keep them enabled for WooCommerce product reviews only?

This is what we’ll code today – enjoy!

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WooCommerce: Show Rating @ WooCommerce Product Review Admin Email

When a WooCommerce customer posts a product review on the single product page, and “Comment must be manually approved” is enabled under WordPress dashboard > Settings > Discussion, the store owner gets an email notification so that they can approve / trash / spam such a review.

What you probably knew, is that the “WooCommerce product review” is – actually – a “WordPress post comment“, which means the email that the admin gets is the default “Please moderate: _____” notification that is also generated when a comment is submitted on a blog post.

Which… is really bad! And that’s because the email does not contain any sort of information regarding the WooCommerce product review, and especially the rating (“2 stars out of 5”). As a store owner, I definitely want to know whether the comment I’m about to moderate is (1) a product review and if (2) I need to reply to unfair feedback, so, let’s change that.

Here’s how to display the review rating in the “Please moderate: ____” admin email notification, when the comment is – of course – a WooCommerce product review. Enjoy!

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WooCommerce: Define Product Settings Programmatically e.g. Enable Reviews, Sold Individually

In WooCommerce, everything is easy until you have a dozen products to manage. But once you start scaling, and maybe need to import hundreds of items, right then is when you go looking for shortcuts.

Problem is – there are single product settings that you must enter manually for each product (or do it in bulk anyway) such as tax status, tax class, shipping class, sold individually, enable reviews and more; you could keep repeating your manual setup operations or fine-tune your bulk editor system to get that done, but what if there were a few lines of code that would simply “set” whatever option you need for ALL products, without worrying whether that specific option is set or not set in the single product edit page?

For example, it happened to a client of mine that we forgot to “enable reviews” on 10,000 imported products so we were left with two choices: re-run the product import, or find something smarter. And the latter is what we’ll cover today.

So, how do you “override” or “force” a specific WooCommerce single product setting without worrying about its actual per-product value, so that products do behave all the same? Here are a couple of ideas. Enjoy!

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WooCommerce Blocks: Hide Images Etc. From Product Grid Block

Business Bloomer enters the world of Gutenberg today, and we do it with a simple customization tutorial related to the “Product Grid” WooCommerce Gutenberg Blocks: currently these are “Best Selling Products“, “Newest Products“, “On Sale Products“, “Top Rated Products“, “Products by Category” and use the same base code…

However, all of them use custom code and not the default WooCommerce templates (and therefore we can’t take advantage of the WooCommerce hooks for the shop / product archive / product loop unfortunately), so we need to find a workaround if we wish to remove some of the default elements that come up with the product grid items: product permalink, product image, product title*, sale badge, product price*, rating*, add to cart button* in this exact order.

* As you can see from the screenshot below, actually, you can already remove the information with an asterisk from the Block settings. So, in this article, we will see how to remove the rest in case you don’t want it: permalink, image, sale badge. Enjoy!

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WooCommerce: Display Product Reviews @ Custom Page (Shortcode)

WooCommerce product reviews shows by default in the “Reviews” tab in the single product page. But what if, like me, you’re using custom sales pages and need to show such reviews elsewhere – by using a shortcode?

I’ve spent some time doing this for two Business Bloomer pages, the contact page (beside the request a quote form) and the Business Bloomer Club sales page (just above the pricing table), so I thought it would have been great sharing the snippet with you. Enjoy!

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