While running an eCommerce store makes the operational part of your business a lot smoother, it does not give the facilities, such as asking dozens of questions about the product, seeing it physically, etc. to your customers. This could become a disadvantage if your online shop does not render sufficient information – text and visual – about the products you are selling. So, how will you prevent this situation?
Well, we have a quick and reliable solution.
Adding the relevant and crisp information on the product page, alongside the product, should solve your concern in some cases. However, when there is a lot of detail to be specified, just do not render it all on the page. Using attachments will keep your shop user-friendly and performance-oriented.
To do so, you can install Product Attachment for WooCommerce Plugin on your store.
In this article, we are going to review this WooCommerce plugin bit by bit.
Continue reading WooCommerce: Product Attachment Plugin Review