Last week a client who was about to carry a Facebook Advertising campaign asked me something pretty interesting. We already saw in the past how to add conversion tracking to the Thank-you page, however this time was slightly different.
My client’s FB consultant required a code for the whole site, another code for the Checkout page only (“user has initiated checkout”), and another one for the Thank-you page (“user has purchased”). So, here’s how I did it.
Thinking out loud: conditional logic
When you code in WooCommerce you always need to ask yourself a question: does your snippet need to run on every page of the website?
If the answer is no, you probably heard already of conditional logic (I covered WooCommerce conditional logic in a previous tutorial). And this case is no different.
We need a different Facebook tracking code for:
- the whole site, excluding checkout & thank you page
- the Checkout page only
- the Thank-you page only
So the trick is basically finding what’s the ideal PHP to execute something along the lines of: IF (CONDITION) > THEN (ECHO THIS).
If you took a look at my tutorial, the conditional tag to target the checkout page is: is_checkout(). Problem is, this targets the Thank-you page as well (they have the same page ID!). So I had to use another conditional tag, called is_wc_endpoint_url( ‘order-received’ ), which targets exclusively that “endpoint”.
Ok, let’s see how the PHP works 🙂
PHP snippet: Add Different Facebook Pixels to Different WooCommerce Pages
/** * @snippet Add Different Facebook Pixels to Different WooCommerce Pages * @how-to Get FREE * @sourcecode * @author Rodolfo Melogli * @testedwith WooCommerce 2.6.8 */ add_action( 'wp_head', 'bbloomer_head_conditional_fb_pixel' ); function bbloomer_head_conditional_fb_pixel() { if ( is_checkout() && !is_wc_endpoint_url( 'order-received' ) ) { // FIRST WE TARGET THE CHECKOUT PAGE WITH is_checkout() // AND WE MAKE SURE TO EXCLUDE THE THANK YOU PAGE ?> <!-- Facebook Pixel Code for Initiated Checkout --> <!-- End Facebook Pixel Code --> <?php } elseif ( is_wc_endpoint_url( 'order-received' ) ) { // THEN WE TARGET THE THANK YOU PAGE ONLY ?> <!-- Facebook Pixel Code for Conversions --> <!-- End Facebook Pixel Code --> <?php } else { // FINALLY WE TARGET ALL THE OTHER PAGES ?> <!-- Facebook Pixel Code for Rest of Website --> <!-- End Facebook Pixel Code --> <?php } }
Hi Rodolfo,
I have 2 pixels on my woocommerce pages. I detected it with Facebook pixel helper. I installed my pixel with “Facebook for woocommerce” plugin.
The other pixel id, I don’t know where it came from. Please how can I detect and remove it.
Hi Anthony, thanks so much for your comment! Yes, this is possible – but unfortunately this is custom work and I cannot provide a complementary solution here via the blog comments. Thanks a lot for your understanding! ~R
Where am I supposed to add the facebook pixel inside this code?
Because if I just copy and paste this code, as there is no pixel included in the code, it does absolutely nothing.
Nerea, thanks so much for your comment! Where do you need to add the pixel, and how does it look?
Thanks for this Rodolfo! Could come in handy later…
Thanks for your feedback Jan!