WooCommerce Resource Library

In this blog I’ve put together a series of WooCommerce links, tutorials, videos, blogs and resources so that you can find what you’re looking for. Enjoy!

WooCommerce Documentation

WooCommerce Video Tutorials

WooCommerce Online Courses

WooCommerce Blog & Tips Tutorials

WooCommerce Resources

WooCommerce Support, Q&A

WooCommerce Social Media Groups

WooCommerce Books

WooCommerce PodCasts & VideoCasts

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Rodolfo Melogli

Business Bloomer Founder

Author, WooCommerce expert and WordCamp speaker, Rodolfo has worked as an independent WooCommerce freelancer since 2011. His goal is to help entrepreneurs and developers overcome their WooCommerce nightmares. Rodolfo loves travelling, chasing tennis & soccer balls and, of course, wood fired oven pizza. Follow @rmelogli

14 thoughts on “WooCommerce Resource Library

  1. Excellent resources, I hope to be on this list soon with content in Portuguese and focused on the Brazilian market.

    Thiago Andrade

  2. Your WooCommerce resource bundle helped many beginner eCommerce entrepreneurs. You’ve done a great compilation of resources. BusinessBloomer blog delivers step by step informative contents to every WooCommerce beginners.

    I wish that you could update more resources on this list in the nearer future. WooCommerce is definitely a great platform for the self-learning eCommerce entrepreneur.

    I love reading BusinessBloomer’s article and that helped me craft some best blogs in our FlyCart Blog

    Keep up the good work. Stay sharing knowledge to this Woo community forever.

    Sathish Sundar

    1. thank you Sathish 🙂

  3. Hi Rodolfo,

    I would like to bring your attention to our blogging site https://learnwoo.com/
    LearnWoo explores everything about WooCommerce. Hope it can find a place in your awesome list of WooCommerce resources.

    1. Ipshita, thanks so much for that!

  4. Hey Rodolfo, great resource you have here! I created a site called https://ecommerceshowcase.com/ that showcases great looking stores across the web. You can filter by platform and we have plenty of WooCommerce stores for inspiration. Hope you’ll add it to your list!

    1. Hey Mike, that’s a great idea for a website! However, I’d rather add https://ecommerceshowcase.com/platform/woocommerce/ to my resource list, and that particular page seems to be missing website snapshots. As soon as you revise that let me know and I’ll add this to the list 🙂 Cheers for reaching out!

      1. Hey Rodolfo, thanks for the heads up. It’s been fixed!

  5. Hi Roldolfo, good idea this page! Thanks for featuring my WooCommerce book! Meanwhile a new version is available: https://www.amazon.com/Building-E-Commerce-Solutions-WooCommerce-Second/dp/1785881566
    best regards, Robbert

    1. Robbert, awesome, thanks a lot for your input – much appreciated 🙂 And well done for writing the new version, I will replace the link now. Cheers 🙂

  6. Starting this Wednesday the Gary Leland Show starts season 2, and season 2 will become the WooCommerce Season.

    We will talk WooCommerce on every show. I would like to interview you on a future show if that is possible?

    People can check out the show at several places. They can watch live on Blab at https://garyleland.com/blab or on my site at https://garyleland.com/category/leland-show/

    If they have an iPhone they can subscribe on iTunes at https://garyleland.com/iTunes and on Android they can subscribe at https://GaryLeland.com/Stitcher, or https://GaryLeland.com/PocketCast

    Our first episode starts this Wednesday, and we will do 2 episodes per month.

    1. Awesome Gary! I was actually about to add a “Podcast” section to the Resource List, so your input is very welcome 🙂

      I would LOVE to be on an interview – feel free to email me via the Contact Us page and we can arrange a date. Thanks so much for the opportunity (and nice amount of websites & businesses you own!)


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