My Courses > ConfigureWoo > Module 14 > Lesson 01: Mastering WooCommerce Image Sizes (Free)

Mastering WooCommerce Image Sizes (Free)



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Documentation & Tutorials

Here are additional articles you can study if you wish to improve your knowledge around this topic. Enjoy!

Customization Snippets & Tutorials

Here’s a collection of snippets and tutorials you can use if you wish to further customize these WooCommerce settings. I recommend to enroll in CustomizeWoo online course first so that you can become familiar with PHP and CSS coding.

2 thoughts on “Mastering WooCommerce Image Sizes (Free)

  1. I’m using the total theme and it has completely removed the customizer>woocommerce>product images menu. I’m hoping your snippet brings it back but, I can’t find the snippet. Can you provide it?

    1. Hi Josh! Here is an example for Storefront theme: You’ll need to go through the Total theme code and find something similar. Hope this helps!

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