My Courses > CustomizeWoo > Module 1 > Lesson 07: Customization FAQ
Customization FAQ
Do you need to be a developer? Well, I wasn’t born as a developer, but I learned what’s needed for customizing WooCommerce. And if I did it, trust me, you can do it too.
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Hi Rodolfo. I find your views and information very, very helpful. Thanks a lot for this
I am working on a WooCommerce site with the marketing guy and he wanted a custom product page that looks like a shop page but is broken down into subcategories and each image has a custom bullet list of features. In order to get the desired items for the chosen product category, I hand-coded a page for the category and added a custom link to the product menu. For some reason the custom link does not seem to work. Is this maybe because I am violating some kind of setup scheme with WooCommerce by trying to manually add the custom page?
It seems that adding a custom link for the product menu violates some kind of convention with the WC way of handling that menu and therefore does not allow my page to take over for that category. I think I must create a custom navigation specifically for that page I created.
Hi Sam! I find this very strange – despite manually coding the custom category page wouldn’t be your best option, there is something wrong with your setup. Can you maybe provide a couple of screenshots?
Sorry previous video had no sound:
I see. That’s a little difficult to explain, but it seems you overrode the template for the “shop” page only but not the other “loop” pages e.g. category, tag pages. That’s why it’s not recommended to override templates – you could have achieved that with hooks alone.
Anyhow, the “shop” page you created, what’s its URL? Is it the exact same of the original category URL? If not, does it mean you have duplicate content (your page + the default page). If yes, this creates yet another problem.
I’d recommend to step back a little and see what you can do with the default WooCommerce shop display. By using hooks such as you can display fields wherever you want, while keeping the same URL structure
Hope this helps 🙂
Yes, thank you for this. I was very excited to find your course as it saves me from making some big mistakes on a live project. My biggest goal with everything is to do no harm.
I think that I have figured out how to recreate the layout using the built-in features.
The big challenge I have is whether or not it makes sense to use hooks to modify the selling points text below each product that I bring to the page.
I’m guessing that I would need to hook into each individual item and modify the information that appears by default under the product image by turning off the default and adding in the new text to make it match what marketing has requested. With regards to this site, I look forward to adding a child theme and reducing the number of plugins by creating the same results with the Functions and CSS files in the child themes. It is a very complex mixed bag from various developers that came before me.
Great. Yes, hooks is the way to go. In this case, the ideal would be to add “custom fields” to each single product, and then retrieve those values and echo them in the shop page. Something along the lines of
innanzitutto grazie per i tuoi video molto interessanti …
volevo chiederti una cosa: come posso inserire nel checkout form 2 campi (data di nascita e luogo di nascita) e ritrovarmeli sia nella sezione UTENTI e sia su Myacconnt (a limite qui no, ma su UTENTI si, ne ho proprio bisogno). PUOI AIUTARMI?
GRAZIE anticipatamente
Scusa il ritardo. Prova con
Hi Rodolfo,
The best advice was in the last sentence: “Do not waste time learning everything”!
Thank’s a lot!
Hi Rodolfo, I’d like to know which blogs or YouTube channels you recommend we follow in addition to yours. 🙂 Any personal favourites?
Hi Noelle 🙂 Please watch Module 5 Lesson 9: “What To Do If You Get Stuck”
Thanks! Will do.