WooCommerce: Edit Add to Cart Default, Min, Max & Step Product Quantity

Yes, there are many plugins that already achieve this. But my goal at Business Bloomer is to save you from plugin conflicts, delicate updates and to make you learn some PHP.

So, here’s how you can add, with a few lines of PHP, a minimum, maximum, increment and default value to your Add to Cart quantity input field on the single product and cart pages. Who knew it was this easy?

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WooCommerce: Change No. of Thumbnails per Row @ Product Gallery

WooCommerce 3.0 completely revolutionized the single product page featured and product gallery images, including their PHP. If, in the past, a simple filter from WooCommerce was enough to change the number of thumbnails per row (https://docs.woocommerce.com/document/change-number-of-thumbnails-per-row-in-product-galleries/), this does not exists anymore πŸ™

So, let’s see how we can achieve this in WooCommerce 3.0 and above. For this example we’ll use two themes – in fact some theme-specific CSS is also needed together with the PHP.

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WooCommerce: Rename “Tags” Label @ Single Product Page

A #CustomizeWoo student reached out for premium support in regard to “WooCommerce taxonomies”. The question was: How do I change the label “tag” into something else, for example “brand”? Well, this is how it’s done!

Please note that this does not change the “tag” permalinks (URL, slug, etc), but only the “Tags” label on the frontend, and only on the Single Product Page.

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WooCommerce: Enable Payment Gateway Only for “Order Pay Checkout”

I invoice clients via WooCommerce, and then send them the “Invoice Email”, which takes them to the “Order Pay” page. Of course, I want to give them the option to pay via “Bank Transfer” (bacs), but I don’t want this to be visible on the default checkout page.

We’ve seen in the past how to disable payment gateways given certain conditions… but how do we “enable” one? Here’s a snippet for that – enjoy!

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WooCommerce: How To Change Product Image Sizes

WooCommerce lets you resize the product images on Single Product and Shop pages from Appearance > Customize > WooCommerce > Product Images.

Besides, you don’t have to manually regenerate the images after resizing them with an additional plugin, as WooCommerce can crop, resize and automatically regenerate image sizes out of the box.

Despite this seems easy enough, it often happens that themes or plugins may override the “Customizer” settings, and even hide them entirely, which causes a lot of confusion.

In this post, we’ll take a look at the default WooCommerce image settings, and finally with a list of FAQ we’ll try to cover all possible scenarios in case you can’t find a solution. Got a question? Feel free to use the comment area!

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