WooCommerce: File Upload Plugins For Order Personalization

One of the biggest mistakes you can make as a WooCommerce store owner is offering limited product customization abilities. Product personalization is a critical component of online shopping that helps provide a better customer experience and results in a high retention rate.

75% of customers appreciate businesses that offer personalized offerings, and a Deloitte consumer review suggests that 1 in every 5 customers are willing to pay 20% more for a custom-designed and personalized product. 

A great way to do this is by offering an image upload solution for products for your customers to improve customer satisfaction and generate more revenue for your store. 

This article shows the top solutions that make uploading images for products for customers a breeze and enhance their customization abilities. But before we get into them, let’s look at more benefits of offering this capability in your store and how it affects your business bottom line. 

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WooCommerce: Access Thank You Page from Order Admin

I’ve been testing for over an hour but finally I found a way to make this work. When you are in “Edit Order” view under WordPress Dashboard > WooCommerce > Orders, there is a dropdown of “Order actions”: “Email invoice“, “Resend new order notification“, etc.

A major problem I’ve always had while troubleshooting or working on the WooCommerce thank you page was that I had to build that URL by hand in order to view it again (it follows the format https://example.com/checkout/order-received/123456/?key=wc_order_abcdefghijklmn). Also, I wanted to avoid placing additional test orders.

Well, from today, you can access the customer thank you page directly from the “Order actions” dropdown.


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WooCommerce: Create An Order From Another Website!

This is going to be a great tutorial. And it works for sure, because I’ve just implemented it on the brand new WooWeekly website!

Basically I was looking for a way to create an order on Business Bloomer WooCommerce website when a customer registered from the My Account page on the WooWeekly WooCommerce website. The reason for doing that is that I’m using email marketing on Business Bloomer, and the only way to add an email contact from another website was by using the “REST API” that WooCommerce provides.

Now, I learned all this today, so you can manage to achieve complex stuff too. I’ll just save you a couple of hours of headaches trying to figure out how the system works – that’s why you’re here!

So, how do you create a WooCommerce order on one website when an event occurs on another website? Enjoy!

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WooCommerce: How To Print Orders Automatically

If 2020 taught us anything, it was that businesses needed to stay nimble and find new ways to adapt. During the pandemic many businesses turned to WooCommerce as digital transformation was accelerated overnight out of necessity. Traditionally in-person shops selling anything from food to clothing to auto parts needed an online presence to continue selling in a safe and convenient way.

Developers, agencies and business owners (like yourself) worked very quickly as demand surged to fill in feature gaps for these new use cases in WooCommerce. 

A clear problem started to occur for businesses fulfilling orders in real-time. Knowing when the order was placed and starting the order fulfillment process was manual, slow and not organized. This resulted in increased time for employees to manage orders, errors in orders and delays getting orders to customers quickly.

And here comes Cloud Printing to the rescue. Adding such a system to your WooCommerce store can immediately cut manual steps in the post-purchase fulfillment process resulting in many benefits for your business.

You can expect reduced operations costs, increased employee efficiency and happiness while also increasing customer satisfaction by getting the order in customers hands quicker. So, let’s understand cloud printing better and see how this can be implemented. Enjoy!

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WooCommerce Database Explained: How It Works and Where To Find Data

The term “database” is widely used and known to millions of people, but the proportion of people who have it in their vocabulary without understanding what it describes is sizable.

Databases are at the core of so many digital services today that it is easy to overlook them entirely, but whether you run a shopping site or a business server, building an understanding of them is worthwhile regardless of whether or not you are directly responsible for administration duties.

Having a grasp of the underpinnings of what a database is and how it works is sensible, especially if you run a WooCommerce site and you want to make optimal use of all that this platform has to offer.

To that end, here is an overview of the database fundamentals to bring you up to speed.

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WooCommerce: Update Order Field Value After a Successful Order

We’ve already seen how to update user meta after a successful order, but this time our goal is to “correct” or “edit” a checkout field value after the order is placed.

You could for example add a phone number prefix if it’s not there, and by doing so, correct the phone number before sending it to your courier. Likewise, you could remove punctuation, trim spaces, format accents, and do any manipulation you desire on whatever order field.

So, here’s how they do it. Enjoy!

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WooCommerce: Show SKU @ Cart, Checkout, Order & Emails

When SKU matters to the end user, displaying it in the Cart page, Checkout page, Thank you page, My Account View Order page and Order Emails under the item name is a must.

Ideal for B2B businesses and international brands, this simple customization can help you learn how to add any sort of content under the Cart/Checkout/Order item names. Simply use the same hook and try “getting” something different than SKU with this guide. Enjoy!

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WooCommerce: Advanced Order Search

When it comes to saving time, the out-of-the-box WooCommerce plugin doesn’t give you many options and features. For example, searching through your WooCommerce orders is not straight forward enough because the search options are fairly limited.

By default, you can go to the WooCommerce Orders admin page (wp-admin/edit.php?post_type=shop_order) and use the basic search bar.

You can look for a customer name, a customer billing email and a few more, but that’s pretty much all you can do. You can’t look for multiple fields, you can sort, you can’t filter by order total, and so on.

You get the picture – for a store manager this Orders dashboard is not handy at all. Each extra minute wasted in trying to find something could be better invested – in marketing spend for example.

That’s why we want to show you a quick alternative in order to do advanced searches in seconds. You won’t need any PHP snippets – just a quick plugin that turns your order list into an intuitive and easy-to-use spreadsheet so that you can do all the filtering and manipulation you desire.

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WooCommerce: Save & Display Order Total Weight

For tracking purposes, or maybe because your shop manager needs to be aware of this, saving the total weight of each order and displaying it on the single order admin page is quite simple.

That’s right – WooCommerce does not save this value by default. You either need to save it yourself into the “order meta” or recalculate the weight based on the order items and their quantities. Here, we’ll cover option one (saving is better than calculating in regard to performance).

Enjoy 🙂

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